

    Several months ago one of the customer service managers brought something into the pharmacy to show one of the techs. It was a small plastic bag with a crocheted turtle and a note. After a short discussion, the CS manager left the bag. I went over to the counter to look at it. The note inside said keep going and don't give up. I wanted the turtle so I picked up the bag and brought it to my work station. When I changed work stations, I picked up the bag and brought it with me. Then I put it in my pocket.  I felt a little like the character Gollum in the Lord of the Ring books (but without the evil side). I didn't want anyone to take the turtle.

    On my lunch break I took a good look at the turtle. He has a green shell with brown legs and face that had eyes glued onto it.  The note said the he was crocheted by one of the members of the Random Acts of Crocheted Kindness Facebook group. They crochet small items like keychains, wiggle worms and seasonal type items and leave them in various places. People who find an object are invited to post what they find on the group Facebook age along with where it was found. I like the emotional support pickle and chicken that some people have found. I hope someday to find another object.

    I decided to name him Hubert after Hubert Humphrey. The name just seemed to fit. I set him on my dresser where I could see him. He looked cute perched there.

    One day when we went on a road trip, I took him along. I took a picture of him looking out the windshield and sent it to a friend. I had a thought. What if I took him pictures of him in various places on our road trip? I liked the idea of this little turtle going places, seeing things and having little adventures.

    This isn't the first time I've thought of doing something like this. A long time ago, I spent three weeks in Germany and Italy with a friend. Along the way we acquired a small stuffed lamb toy which we named Bahnhof, which means train station. We took pictures of Bahnhof in various places. I lost the pictures, but I still have Bahnhof. 

    Last year, a friend of mine asked her to help her daughter with a Flat Stanley project. I was sent a paper doll version of my friend's daughter. We took pictures of her  in various places. C was irritated by this, but I had a good time. I thought it was a fun way to teach children about other places in America. 

     At my age I suppose I shouldn't be doing juvenile things like taking pictures of a crocheted turtle when we travel around, but I enjoy it and who knows. Maybe sometime I'll be able to share it with someone else who enjoys doing the same thing. It could be fun trading pictures with others who have their own "Hubert". Maybe someday.....


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