The Day After


   I wasn't planning on writing about the election but after waking up to find that Harris lost, I decided I can't keep my mouth shut. If you want to disown me, unfriend me or stop receiving links to this column, fine with me. Let me know and I'll take you off my list.

   I went to bed last night hoping that some miracle would happen and we would have our first woman president. The miracle didn't happen. Instead the "Republican" won. It is deeply upsetting, hurtful and frightening. I'd like to explain why to you.

   My father-in-law, and two great uncles fought in World War II. All of them were overseas. My father- in-law landed at Normandy on Omaha beach. He watched his buddies die in the water. That experience and others left him a changed man. He didn't do it because he had nothing else to do. He had a wife and daughter at home. He enlisted because he believed in America and didn't want fascism spreading to this country. If he were alive today he'd be angry at the fact that this country willingly elected a man who admires dictators and strongmen. He did not lay his life on the line for this.

   While we are on the subject of soldiers, I have a problem with someone who doesn't respect the final resting place of those that have served. No military cemetery anywhere in this country is a place for a campaign ad. I would say this no matter who wanted to shoot the commercial. It is especially egregious for someone who has been quoted as calling American military servicemen and women "suckers and losers". 

   The president elect said that "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country". As the descendent of immigrants, I find this personally offensive. My great grandparents on both sides came to this country in the late 1800s. They worked hard, paid taxes and raised their families. My grandfather worked in a CCC camp that helped build some of the amenities found in state parks and other places today. Two of his brothers served in the Navy (not during war). They all raised their families around the Twin Cities area. They were hardly " poisoning the blood" of this country. 

   He has been charged with crime that he has not and will now never be held accountable. Even if you think the charges are bogus, answer this question. Does his conduct seem like the conduct of an innocent man? Someone who is innocent wants to clear his name quickly. Someone who is innocent doesn't attack witnesses, court employees or their families. If you or anyone else did what he did, where would you be now? 

   Harris outlined on more than one occasion what she'd like to do for this country. Things that she thinks will help the middle class. Maybe you don't agree with it or maybe you want to know exactly how she plans to carry things out. That's ok. At least she was telling you what she wanted to do if given the job as president. What did the president elect say he would do? Since he thinks the country is in a horrible mess and he is the only one who can fix it how will this happen? All I ever heard was a concept of a plan, a tariff ,insults and disinformation. 

   His past performance does not give me hope that he'll be a good president this time. I spent part of 2020 in a public facing job wondering if I would bring home a disease that could kill my husband who is medically vulnerable.  During this time the President downplayed the seriousness of the disease and according to some reports sent needed medical equipment overseas. The fact that he seems to fan the flames of hate does not lead me to believe that he will be a president for all the people including those that disagree with him. 

  This is why I'm not celebrating.



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