Door County


      It's that time of year again. Time for us to pack up the the car and head east to Door County. C looks forward to this all year and is always anxious when it  is time to go. He likes to leave early so we can get up there as soon as we can.

    We have been doing this for 20 years. Our first trips were Monday through Friday only so I wouldn't miss too much work.. Eventually we stayed a week in Door County and one day in Green Bay. We had our trips cut short twice. Once because I messed up our reservations and once when C was asked to help at a baptism. (I was upset about the last one for a long time,)

    When we first came here I was working full time this was the only vacation I got. I badly needed this week of rest in order to keep going at work. C and I both worked full time so we got to spend a lot of needed time together. One year we came here less than a month after a  friend of mine died in a car wreck and six months after my mother disowned me. I was in need of peace and to not have to think about my troubles for a week. 

    I try not to work while I'm up here. For the first decade or so this was easy since we we were out of cell phone range most of the time and only had internet where we were staying. Now things have advanced to where I could get more done here, I don't. Everyone needs time off once in awhile. 

    We stay in a small hotel on the south  end of the peninsula.  It is not as homy as the bed and breakfast we used to stay at, but it has amenities we enjoy  like a ground floor room, hot tub, fridge and microwave in the room. It is also close to a lot of tings we like.

    Things change  around here, but there are still some things that are the same. We never tire of coming here. It's a time of peace and refreshment. I'm looking forward to all the things we will do this week.


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