What Do I Do With This Yarn?

   My mother asked me to stop by her apartment last week. She's been doing some housecleaning and had given me  all her knitting things since she no longer knits. I already got a nice knitting bag, some patterns, needles and other knitting accessories.  I stopped by after work. She had a large bag of yarn.

   When I got home I opened the bag. There were all sorts of yarn. There was eyelash yarn, wool/mohair yarn, fine cotton/wool yarn, wool yarn and one small hank of something that I think might be mohair. There's also various odds and ends of things that I'm not sure what they are. All of it is beautiful. The colours are lovely and a feast for the eyes.

   I have no idea what I'm going to do with it.

   I'm not an ambitious knitter. I like to knit flat things. I tried knitting hats once. It did not turn out very well. I still have one I knitted. It's way too large. I make it work though.

  I asked my mother what she knitted. I know that she knitted sweaters because I have two that she made for me. She said she didn't remember, but that she did socks and mittens. Not projects that I undertake.

  There are two skeins of the wool/mohair. I have a pattern for slippers that are knit flat and sewn together. I think this yarn would do nicely for that project. I can combine some of the black wool yarn with some dark red eyelash yarn to make a nice scarf for someone. There is another novelty yarn that I may combine with another novelty yarn that I have for another scarf. 

   The odds and ends I can knit into squares that I can use for an afghan I'm already making. That still leaves quite a bit left to work with. I've been told that it isn't possible to have too much yarn, but I might be getting close. I have a stash of my own as well.

  Fortunately there is a site called Ravelry. I think I can type in the kind of yarn I have to find projects that use that yarn. Hopefully I can find projects that I can actually do. One of the things I'm thinking of is making a pillow cover. As I  think about it, a pillow cover may be a better use for the scrap yarn that using them in the afghan. I can still knit the squares and piece them together. In fact I may even have an old pillow that could be refreshed in this way.

   This new stash has come at a good time. With things starting to close down again because of the pandemic, I may have lots of time on my hands.....


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