Seven Days of Gratitude


   One week ago Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, broadcast a video asking people to post messages of gratitude on social media for the next seven days. He asked that the posts be marked with #GiveThanks. 

   I'm sure thousands of people from around the world posted in response to this message. Certainly many of my social media friends did, including a few that don't post on social media very often. I did as well. (Scamp also joined in.)

   This was not my first time doing this. Two years ago I wanted to do something to help me feel the spirit of gratitude. I thought about posting something for which I was grateful once a day for seven days. I posted pictures of my yoga mat, my furnace, my fridge, washer and dryer. We take these things for granted sometimes, but many people live without these conveniences. It helped a lot. I enjoyed doing it. At then end of seven days I felt better and some of my friends had commented on what I had posted.

   Last year I decided to do it again. It was a tough year. In January, the independent pharmacy I worked at closed ending what was my dream job. I found another job at a local chain that I thought was more stable. In July the chain closed their pharmacies and I was unemployed once again. I went to work for a doctor who wanted me to start a pharmacy in his new clinic. There were a few things he hadn't told me about that prevented me from putting in the pharmacy that he wanted. I decided to license it as a consulting pharmacy. That way when the clinic moved into a different space, a full pharmacy license could be easily obtained. Until then I worked as a medical assistant.

   It became more and more clear that this was not going to be a place where I could continue working. By the middle of October, I was unemployed a third time. Fortunately, I got notice that I could take a payout on a pension I didn't even know I had. It was just enough money to keep us going until I found another job at the end of 2019.

  After my seven days, I felt better. My outlook was a bit more positive. In December I found my current job. I started in January.

   When I did it this year, I was determined not to repeat things. I'm grateful that Facebook shows previous posts. It prevented me from duplication. There was one post that I did share from a previous year. I felt that it was so well done that sharing it again was worth it.

   This year has been rough. The isolation has been difficult for C, who is a social person. It was also a bit difficult for me as well. Things that I like to do like have lunch with my Dad and Uncle James, were no longer possible. I worried about small businesses closing. At the store there were shortages of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer. We were unable to stock thermometers. There was such a demand for them and things were being allocated.  

   Thinking about things I do have for seven days instead of focusing on what I couldn't do helped as I knew it would. Looking back on what was going on in 2019 made me very grateful for everything in 2020, even with civil unrest and a pandemic.

  I'm ready to finish this year and see what 2021 will bring.



  1. Good words! I'm thankful for your example of faith, courage, patience and love! That's who you are to me!!


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