Update from Scamp


   Hi! This is Skamp!

   I'm taking over the column for today. I thought that some of you may want to know how I am doing. 

   I'm doing pretty good. The humans are home and we are mostly back to our usual routine. There have been a few changes. Sophie has been getting up a bit earlier than usual. When this happens she spends time scrolling through Facebook on her phone. I don't think this is a good thing so I'm training her to play with me. I found a cool toy in the store room last week. It's a long strip of fleece on a stick. Sophie's job is to lay out the strip and pull on it so I can chase it and stalk it. She's pretty good at it. Sometimes she makes the strip run under pillows. I like this because then I get to practice my digging skills. I like getting my workout in early before breakfast. 

   Another change is that I've taken over Colby's job of Chief House Cat. The CHC job means that I am responsible for alerting my humans  to dangerous intruders. Lately I have noticed that our house is being attacked by vicious birds. I notified C who told me that the birds are woodpeckers. The woodpeckers peck holes in the siding. My job is to alert C so he can deal with these intruders.

   Along with my CHC duties, I have resumed my role as Chief Therapy Cat. This means that I am to help my humans when they feel sad or upset. Lately they have seemed nervous over something called "The election" I noticed that Sophie put a frame around her Facebook profile picture urging people to vote. She asked me to post a message to other cats on my Facebook page encouraging cats to tell their humans to vote. C has been watching news nonstop almost every night. I don't get it. All I see are mean people. Who wants to watch mean people?

   I think I would make a good president. I asked Sophie if cats can be president. She told me that she's never heard of a cat president, but she did hear of a group that inaugurated a pig as president. That was a long time ago, before she was born. She also told me that I am not old enough to run for president. It's just as well. I have enough to do taking care of my two humans. 

  My Facebook page has a new name. It's called Simply Scamp. I made it up. I'm proud of it. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more things on it. However, now that I have two jobs I may not have a lot of free time. 

   I suppose I'd better stop now. It's time for my morning nap.



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