Skinned Knee

   C and I went for a bike ride on the last warm day that we had. We had a good time. Something happened during that ride that hasn't happened to me in nearly 40 years. I...wiped...out....

   There's a difference between wiping out and falling. I've fallen off my bike a few times, mostly when I haven't been able to pedal fast enough to keep my balance. (Like going up a steep hill on riding on grass.) This was a full on, hit the pavement, wipeout due to my front tire going off the edge of the trail.

  Fortunately, I landed belly down and kept my head from hitting the asphalt. Fortunately also my bike was just scratched a little. I got up slowly and assessed the damage to me. The heels of both my hands were scraped because I had used them to catch myself. I definitely had a bruised thigh. I had not torn my pants or shirt. I got on my bike and we kept riding. 

  My knee felt a little weird. It didn't hurt, it just felt like it was oozing something. When we got to our destination, a park along the river, I rolled up my pants leg to see what was wrong. It was a skinned knee. No big deal, I'd clean it off and bandage it when I got home.

   When I got home I did just that. I washed it with a little soap and water, lightly patted it dry and covered it with a non stick pad. The next morning I discovered that the non stick pad had actually stuck. I took a shower, rebandaged the knee and went about my day. That evening I decided that it need to air out so I kept the bandage off.

  One of the things I found interesting about my skinned knee was how much it hurt. I didn't remember skinned knees hurting this much as a kid. I had skinned my knees many times. I still have the scars to prove it. I also realized how much I use my  knee. It was hard to do yoga, it was hard to get up after sitting on the floor (something I do a lot of) and there was this little nagging soreness all the time. The incision from my surgery didn't bother me this much.

  Once it had dried out some I started to put some vitamin e cream on it to help the skin stay moist. I  knew that this would help it to heal without scarring badly, but I couldn't keep putting cream on it several times a day. I finally got some of those second skin bandages and put it over the scrape. It started to feel better. After a few days I took the bandage off to find that it was healing nicely and no longer needed covering. There's a new scar there and that's all right. It will remind me to be more careful next time.




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