

   Many people I know and others identify themselves as "pro-life". I've never really been comfortable with that term because it seems to imply that anyone who disagrees with them is "anti-life", which I don't think is true of anyone.

  According to the online dictionary I've consulted, pro-life means "Opposing abortion and euthanasia". They believe that life begins at conception. I wonder sometimes if they understand that life begins at conception, but it doesn't end there. To me being pro-life is a larger issue than just opposing abortion. It's caring about the quality as well as the quantity of life. In other words everyone should have a a good quality of life.

   A pro-lifer should be in favour of accessible and affordable health care for all starting with prenatal care. Statistics show that maternal death rates have risen in the United States. While no one can point out one cause, an article in the Scientific American (Has Maternal Mortality Really Doubled in the U.S.? 6-8-15) suggests that this increase is possibly due to chronic health conditions, pregnancy at older ages, poor prenatal and postal care. This article also shows that African American women have a significantly higher maternal death rate. 

  Being able to access and afford healthcare means that people can have chronic conditions treated and properly monitored. It means people who need medications can have access to them as well as to pharmacists to help them manage their medications. It is ridiculous that people have to place their health in jeopardy by rationing their medications. Surely one who is pro-life would not want this.

   Access to health care includes mental health. Mental illness is costly.  Several articles I've seen on the internet place the cost of mental illness in the billions of dollars both in cost to treat and lost earnings. Not to mention the negative impact it can have on the families of those who are suffering with untreated or undertreated mental illness.

   Someone who is pro-life should want education to be available to all children. All children of all races and all abilities. Education improves society as a whole. Educated people are better at solving challenges and thinking creatively. They are better able to think critically. Educated people tend to live healthier lifestyles. People with an education are more employable which can help reduce poverty. It promotes equality and discourages crime. (Top 10 Benefits of Education Include Poverty Reduction, Borgen Magazine, 1-13-2018) Someone who is pro-life would surely be in favor of this.

   Another thing that a prolife person should be in favour of is prevention of bullying and help for those who have been bullied. Bullying increases the likelihood that a victim will consider or attempt suicide. over half of school shooting incidents have been linked to bullying. Clearly this is a pro-life issue.

   Someone who is pro-life would want our economy to be strong. Our country flourishes when people are able to find work and when wages are high enough to cover a family's financial needs. Those who wish to start small businesses should have the opportunity to do so and the support to keep their businesses running. Local businesses improve local economies and provide employment for those that may not be able to be hired at larger companies. Obviously this contributes to a better quality of life, something a pro-lifers would favour.

    Someone who is pro-life would care about our environment. Pollution can damage many human organs as well as causing attention deficit and behavioral problems. Contaminated water causes organ damage and cancer. Environmental pollution affects agriculture. Plants can be damaged by air and water pollution.  Air pollution has also been linked to climate change which affects people and also animals. Climate change is considered by some to be causing extremes in weather including more intense hurricanes. A person who is pro-life should surely be concerned about the environment.

  All of these issues  affect life human and animal, which is why I think someone claiming to be pro-life would want to have an interest in them. It is not enough to be against abortion. In my opinion someone who is truly pro life must be concerned about anything that has a negative impact on life.  




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