We Really Need Something Light


   C has many Facebook friends and enjoys seeing what they are doing. One of them is Mama Nee. She is in her middle 90s and lives in South Carolina. 

   A few days ago she posted that there was nothing to watch on TV except sci-fi, action, horror, thriller or suspense movies. She wrote about how during World War II movies were reassuring. Movies helped with morale, comforted and made people feel good. There were love stories and musicals, happy musicals to entertain and make people smile even during that uncertain time. She wrote that we need more of this kind of entertainment and also more uplifting music.

   I have to agree with her. It seems most of what is on TV are crime shows, "reality shows" and talent contests. I miss sitcoms. Shows like Scrubs, The Bob Newhart Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Frasier, Cheers, MASH and WKRP in Cincinnati. These shows were funny and entertaining. They had a cast of characters that you could like or maybe identify with. Sometimes they dealt with more serious topics, especially MASH. Sometimes a show would deal with a recent event, like the WKRP episode In Concert. That episode is about a concert promoted by the station. The seating was general admission so in order to get good seats people needed to be there early. The day after the concert it was learned that 11 people were killed as concert goers stampeded inside in a rush to get the best seats. This actually happened at a concert in Cincinnati late in 1979. Mostly these shows provided us some laughter or at least a wry smile.

   We really need more of this. We need more shows that are humorous. We need more shows that are entertaining and uplifting. We need more shows that are inspiring. 

  I know that this sounds really bad, but I don't watch the news anymore. I know we need to stay informed and all that, but I just can't. The world just seems too scary right now. Everyone out there hates everyone and people are bent on doing as much damage as possible out of anger at the endless pile of injustices that have heaped up over time. 

   During the Great Depression people could watch movies like The Wizard of Oz, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and The Adventures of Robin Hood. These movies allowed people to think about something else for a brief period of time. This allowed people to endure better.

  We need something like this today. I think that most of us could use a short break, a good laugh, an uplifting story. Then we can better face what's in front of us.


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