Simply Scamp


   Hi ! This is Skamp! 

   Some of you may have been wondering how I'm doing now that Colby is gone. (Although C assures me that Colby is not gone but in the spirit world, happy and no longer sick) I'm doing all right now.

  I won't lie to you. It was very hard at first, I missed Colby a lot. He's my brother and I've known him for a long time. He was fun to be around and very humble. He used to finish my food if I left my dish without eating all of it. It seems strange that I can leave my food dish and it will not be touched. All his things have been packed up and put away. The only thing left is his blanket on the cat tree and some of the toys that he liked to play with. It was hard not having someone to hang out with after the humans have gone to bed. I felt very alone because I'm the only cat in the house right now. 

  I was very busy the first few weeks. Colby was the Chief House Cat, which meant that he was in charge of keeping an eye on our territory and warning our humans if intruders were present. Now that he is gone I have to take over those duties along with my job as Chief Therapy Cat. I spent a lot of time being a Therapy Cat as Sophie was very sad about Colby. I was sad about Colby too. Maybe being sad together helped. I know we one night she came out into the living rood to comfort me because I felt so lonely.

  I'm starting to get used to being an only cat. There are some things that I like very much. I no longer have to share litterbox. I also don't have to share the drinking fountain. Colby used to hide Q Tips in our drinking fountain. I didn't like it when he did that. I also don't have to share the chaise, the couch or the cat trees. 

   A month ago I got a new harness and a lead. Sophie bought it for me so that I can go outside. I've been outside a little bit. I like the fresh air and sitting in the grass. I've done a bit of exploring. I like digging in the wood chips at the front of the house. Once I went out with Sophie when she weeded the garden. That was kind of boring. It could be worse. I could be stuck in the playpen.

   Sophie has started brushing and combing me for a few minutes every morning. She watches some church thing on You Tube while she does it. I like the attention and my coat looks really good. It's nice and silky. In fact I get more attention now than I used to. Sophie and C check up on me a lot to see if I'm all right. I have to admit, I like the attention. 

   I do miss Colby, but I'm beginning to like being an only cat. 

  It looks like C is awake so I can go into the bedroom for my morning nap. 





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