Political Campaigns


   We are nearing the end of the political campaign season and I am looking forward to it. Part of the reason I've stopped watching television is because I've had enough of attack ads and mudslinging. I'm disgusted by the amount of money that people running for office have to raise. I live in a city where people are living in tents and people can't afford medications. Yet millions of dollars are wasted on campaign ads and people to get dirt on their opponents. 

  Maybe I've written this already, but it is worth repeating. Why don't we, the public, the voters, treat candidates like job applicants? Someone could write a job application for each elected office. Anyone wishing to run for office would have to  fill out an application. The filled out application would be made available in several formats so all voters would have a chance to review it.

   There would be no debates. Instead there would be job interviews. Candidates for state offices would be interviewed by the voters of their respective states. Those running for federal offices (President and Vice President) would be interviewed by a group representing the country at large. The people doing the interviewing would be from the population. No celebrities or high profile journalists. The interviews would also be made available to voters.

   All I really want to know from a candidate is why I should hire them, because that's what we are doing. We are paying them with funds collected by taxes that most of us pay to represent us in the national government. I'd like to know what a candidate intends to do to make healthcare more affordable, to see that all children have access to good schools, to protect the environment, to keep all who live here safe and to positively effect the economy. I'd like to know what a candidate plans to do about the national deficit, making the tax system more fair and protecting programs like Medicare and Social Security.

   If the person is an incumbent, I'd want to know why they feel they should be rehired. What have they done to make things better for all? How have they worked with others on legislation that is needed to achieve common goals? If the person's record is not so good, I'd want to know why they think they should be given a second chance and rehired.

   I don't want to know how bad the opponent is. That's irrelevant and unprofessional. A job seeker who bad mouths others who are interviewing for the same job would not be hired. The same should apply to public office.

  I'll be happy when Election Day is over. Until then stay safe and be sure to vote.


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