

   In the interest of full disclosure, I did not listen to any part of last night's presidential debate. I haven't watched a presidential debate in many years. 

   To me a debate between two or more people seeking to be elected to lead in any office should consist of the parties involved explaining how they would deal with various challenges that are occurring at the time. Since such discussions of policy do not lend itself to high ratings and TV viewership, these "debates" have disintegrated to exchanges of insults and grandstanding. 

   In many high schools, colleges and universities across the country, debate is a competitive sport.  There are strict rules governing the conduct of debate contests. I have looked at several sites that have competitive debate rules. I propose that any debates between those seeking for national pollical should be conducted according to the following rules. To simplify matters I am assuming a two person debate.

  The debate will be conducted in the following manner. The moderator will ask both candidates a question. The first candidate (1) will be permitted a set amount of time to answer the question. A timer will notify the candidates by an agreed signal when the speaker's time is up. If the speaker continues to speak for more than 30 seconds past the allowed time his/her microphone will be shut off. The second candidate (2) will then be permitted to speak. Speaker 1 is then permitted to rebut anything Speaker 2 has said. Then Speaker 2 will have a chance for rebuttal. After this exchange the moderator will ask another question. Speaker 2 will have the chance to speak first The debate will continue in the same format with each speaker answering the question and giving a rebuttal. At the end of the debate each candidate will be allowed to make a short general closing statement which will be timed. 

   Each speaker will be permitted to have with her/him an agreed on amount of notes. These notes can be in an electronic format, but must not be a device that can access the internet. No googling allowed during the debate. Each speaker may have a small pitcher of water and a glass by their lecterns. No throwing of water or spitting of water on opposing candidates is allowed.

  Candidates must stick to answering the question and rebutting the question at hand. Going off topic or reverting to previously asked questions will result in points being taken away from the speaker. Speakers must base their rebuttals on facts and logic. Personal insults and name calling are not allowed. Interrupting the speaker is also not allowed. A speaker who does either of these two things will have her/ his microphone cut off and may be asked to leave the debate if they persist in their actions despite two warnings.

   Each debate will have a panel of judges. These judges will be a diverse group of regular citizens and professional journalists. The judges may not be employed by or a volunteer for the campaign or a relative of any participating candidate. The judges will be dispersed through the audience and will be unknown to the moderator and the candidates participating in the debate. Only the debate organizers will know who the judges are. One judge will be a tie breaking judge. That ballot will be opened only in the even of a tie. Ballot counters will discretely take the ballots and determine the winner.

  The ballots will allow the judges to asses the candidate's presentations in several predetermined categories. The judge will rate the candidate on how well they presented their arguments. The judges will be instructed to deduct points for violations of rules. Judges must be fair and impartial.

  The winner will be announced as soon as the ballot counters have finished their work and presented their results to the leader of the group organizing the debate. The moderator will announce the winner.

   Each candidate will be provided with a copy of the debate rules and a copy of the judging ballot before the debate. Each candidate will have one week to review these documents. Each candidate must sign a statement agreeing to the rules and acknowledging that they have received the judging criteria.

   The purpose of debates between candidates is to allow voters to make informed choices when voting. I think that presidential debates need to get back to this purpose. If someone wants to see people fighting there is wresting, boxing and mixed marital arts.



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