The First Day

  Yesterday was my first day at my new job. The first day at a new job is nerve wracking. You work in a new place with people you've never worked with before. It's scary. You wonder if you will be able to learn all that you need to know. You wonder if anyone will like you. You wonder if you will like your new workplace.
  I should know. I've had a lot of first days at a new jobs lately. In fact for the few months that I was a relief pharmacist, every time I went to a new store it was a first day at a new place.
  I wasn't nervous. I had met the people that I would be working with. One of them I had worked with before. For the first time I went in pretty relaxed. There was only one thing that scared me and that was the computer system.
  Every pharmacy uses it's own computer system for processing prescriptions. They usually have very little in common. The one thing that scared me was having to learn yet another system. I'm not the most computer literate person. I can operate one, but I'm not good with really complex systems. Eventually I learn them but it takes time and until I get it down I tend to be very slow.
  After a tour of the pharmacy, I was faced with the computer system. It had a lot of buttons on it.  Not good news. Nevertheless, I was determined. I was going to learn this system. I was going to master it as quickly as I could.
  It turned out to be better than I thought. There were a few more steps to do things,but it is a system I should be able master. I just need some time to work with it. One thing I like is that it's easy to find rejected claim. I don't have to dig through several screens for it. It also saves my work if I get interrupted.
  It was a busy day in the pharmacy. I spent several hours running prescriptions through and answering questions. It was comforting really. I had done this job before. In fact I was starting to feel somewhat at home. Once again I was spending a lot of time on my feet. (note to self-remember to wear compression socks to work)  I was also trying to find a place for my water bottle so I could catch a sip of water a little more often. It was just like old times. At six o'clock I was finally able to sit down and have something to eat.
  Lately I've been trying to look at the upside of the experiences the last two years have given me. One of them has definitely been confidence. I'm grateful for that.


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