A Good Man

   I have a wonderful husband. I say that a lot, maybe I say it too much but it's true. I know that I have recognized him for the many of the big things he has done for me. Things like taking care of me when I was sick, supporting me through me periods of unemployment last year and tackling large projects like replacing the toilet.
  I don't think that that I say much about all the little things that he does. Since his birthday was yesterday, I'd like to write about some of the little things that C does that mean something to me.
  He cooks meals. He started doing this when he retired and I worked full time. There were many nights where I would come home late, too late to cook a meal. He learned to cook simple things at first. He began to realize that he liked to cook and was good at it. Then he started making special holiday dishes like macaroni and cheese and cornbread dressing. He would make up his own recipes, mostly ways cooking chicken and steak. He's discovered that cooking is a way for him to express his creative side.
  He helps me to balance the checkbook. Perhaps that is a little old fashioned, but I have balanced my checkbook as long as I've had a checking account. I like knowing how much money I have instead of trying to guess. Most of the time it is pretty easy. Other times it's not so easy. I forget to write card transactions in or I switch numbers around and mess up the subtraction. These are the times when C shines. He used to work in a bank and part of his jobs at the bank was to balance the vault. That's like balancing a checkbook but with a lot more money and responsibility. He's used to finding errors and resolving them. This last time we were off by a large amount. He put away the checkbook for a few days and then took it out again. He started out fresh and re-figured everything. In 20 minutes he had found the errors and balanced the checkbook.
  Lat month Scamp and Colby misplaced one of their food balls. These are plastic balls that have small holes in them. I put their dry food in these balls and then the cats have to roll the balls around in order to get the food out. It makes them use their hunting instincts plus they eat their food more slowly. I have looked everywhere and could not find it. I'd given up. C said that he would look.
  He looked under the couch and the chaise. He looked under bookshelves and inside closets. He hunted and hunted. He could not find the food ball. He did, however, find something else that I was looking for. He found Scamp's grooming comb. I had been making do with another comb that doesn't work as well. Scamp tolerates it, but I wasn't happy with having to use it. Now that I have the right comb back it will be much easier to groom Scamp and he will enjoy it more.
  I know these are very small things, but to me, this is the important stuff. Flowers and chocolates are nice, but what means more to me is someone that will help out and pitch in. These are the little things that let me know that he loves me, cares about me and cares about our home and the life we are building together. He's a good man.
Happy Birthday C!🍰


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