Let Them Go

   One of the big news stories the past few weeks is an announcement from Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan. They have said that they wish to step away from their roles as senior royals and become independent.
  This has, according to what I'm reading, caused quite a fuss. There is great consternation in the British royal family and a lot of speculation there and here. The couple flew to Great Britain for a short visit and then Meghan flew back to Canada by herself while Harry talks to his family.
   Perhaps there is something I'm missing here, I don't understand why this is such a big deal. I could understand if Prince Harry was closer in the line of succession, but he's not. His father, brother and his brother's children are all in the line of succession before him. I know that there are many ceremonial events that the Royal family attend. However, it's a large family. Surely there are enough people that could take care of those events that Prince Harry's family would attend.
  If they wish to step back, let them. If they truly are unhappy with their lives as it is now, then they should make a change. There are lots of families where members marry and then choose to live a distance from their in-laws.
  There are a few things that I would do. I would make sure that they understand that there are some things they will need to give up. If they are getting an allowance from the Queen that will stop. If they choose to live in Great Britain even part time then they will need to purchase or rent a house themselves. I'm sure that Prince Harry has inherited money and property from his mother and of course he should keep that. However, he may need to work and will need to pay taxes. I believe right now the government provides security for them. As private citizens, they will need to hire their own body guards and support staff. They will need to pay this staff themselves.
  There are some that believe they should be stripped of their titles. I don't see that happening as there is really no precedent for it. The Duke of Windsor kept his title. There is no reason for them to give it up. However, it really makes no sense to use it. They could simply use the last name of the British Royal family, Mountbatten-Windsor as they did when they named their son.
   The one sad thing about this is the estrangement of William and Harry. It's always a sad thing when siblings who used to be close and supportive of each other drift apart. Their mother is gone and one day their father will be gone too and all they will have is each other. ( Yes, I know that they have wives and other family, but siblings are different.)
  In time the dust will settle and everyone will move on. I'm guessing a year from now we'll look back and wonder what the fuss was all about.


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