Talentless Piece of Garbage
Last week I was surfing Facebook while waiting somewhere. I came across a post about the upcoming Grammy Awards show. I don't like watching award shows because they just don't interest me. I didn't read the article, but I did peek at the comments. Clearly most of the people commenting do not like what is current popular music. I can relate. I'm not a fan either which is why I like my CDs and Sirius radio, but that's a topic for another day.
One comment stood out among all the grousing and complaining. This comment referred to one of the performers nominated for an award as "a talentless piece of garbage". I reread the comment. Yes, I had read it correctly. It said, "talentless piece of garbage".
By now seeing such things shouldn't be a surprise, but this was. Not in a good way. I really shouldn't be shocked when I see things like this. This is the way of the world, right?
Quite frankly this made me sick. I understand if you don't like this performer's music or her style or what she says. I can even understand if someone doesn't think she is talented. The thing that sickens and disgusts me and should sicken and disgust anyone with any kind of values is the phrase "piece of garbage".
This is NOT an appropriate description for any human being. EVER. No living being should be called garbage. I don't care what they've done or who they are. Lives are not not plastic bags or worn out shoes to be thrown away when we no longer need them or can use them. People (and I would include animals) are not refuse. Period.
It is my opinion that if you want to know why we have so many shootings,suicides and violence against various minority groups, it all starts with people being seen as not human. Pieces of garbage. Snowflakes. Deplorables. Pick your label. If we are truly interested in trying to stem violence against women, against children, against anyone, it starts with looking at all humans and seeing a human. A person. Perhaps with a different skin color, hair color, gender, or size. Maybe they don't dress like you do, enjoy what you enjoy or eat your kind of food. They might like different music than you, speak a different language than you speak and they might even come from a place you've never heard of. It doesn't matter. They are human, just like you. They get hungry, thirsty, hot and cold, just like you. They need shelter, food and employment, just like you. They have hopes, plans and goals for the future, just like you. They may see things differently, but that doesn't change the fact that they want a safe place to live, good schools for their children and opportunities. Just like you.
We as a society need to start looking around us and seeing others as humans. That would be a good place to start.
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