Old Friends
People that I've known for many years are coming back into my life. I don't really like the term "old friends" as none of them are old and some of them are not quite friends. Regardless of who they are, I am happy to see them again.
The first one is Chrys. She is a tech that I worked with a long time ago. She is the one who helped me to get the job that I have now. She's a really good tech and I'm glad to get to work with her again. One thing that I used to do for her is bake her a birthday cake. She likes carrot cake. I look forward to doing that for her in the future.
Lynn worked at the same store that Chrys and I worked at. Lynn was the floral manager. She also works at my new store as the floral manager. She is a very talented woman. She did the flowers for my wedding. We had lots of fun together and I'm happy to get reacquainted with her.
Dave worked in the deli of the store I left two years ago. I was surprised when he came up to me this week and said hello. I had no idea he worked in my new store. It was good to see him again.
While I was working, Patricia, came up to the counter. She was doing some shopping. It had been a long time since I'd seem her, well over a year at least. We were in Toastmasters together until she moved to a new home in St Paul. I was so happy to see her. I would have loved to have come to the other side of the counter to give her a hug, but we were a little busy.
I got another surprise when I saw a Facebook message. "Is this my favorite little "TWIT"? Only a few people who went to college with me would know that. In fact it's been so long ago I don't remember what TWIT stood for. I looked at who sent the message. Sure enough, it was Nate. Nate and I were a part of a group of people who hung out at college together. We were part of a group that we called the Cul de Sac Lounge Lizards. Cul de Sac was a common area in the student union building. there was a group of us mostly people who were older than average students. We talked, drank coffee and sometimes studied. Since we were all different majors it was sometimes a good place to get a little help with homework. Mostly it was a social group.
Nate and I caught up with each other just after C and I got married. That was the last time I talked to him. Then we moved and moved and moved again. Now he managed to find me on Facebook. He lives in Texas, has five grandchildren and seems to be doing OK.
These are not not the only parts of my past that are coming back. While going through a bin looking for something I found some books. They were the three books that comprise the Heralds of Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey. I took them upstairs and read them. Then I went on to the next series which is the Mage Winds. Now I'm reading the first book of the Mage Storms series. After that I'm going to read the books in the Last Herald-Mage series. Mercedes Lackey is one of my favorite authors and it's been many happy hours reading her work.
It's been a good week for me. I've had a full week at work. I have good friends. I've found some good books. Sometimes the past is not bad.
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