We Have Everything

      Hi This is Scamp. My Christmas present to Sophie this year is to write the Christmas column for her. I decided that the best time to write it would be this morning. It's still dark outside. Only Sophie,Colby  and I are up. Sophie turned on the Christmas tree lights for us. It's beautiful.
   All the presents were given last night. There weren't very many. It's not that we can't afford them. It's because we have everything we want and everything we need.
  Really we do. We have a nice house with a good furnace that keeps us all warm. Sophie and C have running water. (As cats the only running water we need is in our drinking fountain. We do have one.) We have soft places to sleep and exercise equipment. (They are not toys.) We have plenty of food. We have cat trees to sit in while we guard the front yard.
  Most and best of all we have each other. I have Colby who is the best brother I could ever imagine having. (I come from a litter of six so I know what I'm talking about.) We have wonderful humans. Sophie takes such good care of us. She feeds us treats and grooms us. She pets us and lets us know that we are loved. C is pretty cool too. I know I frustrate him a lot. He is patient with me and I like when he plays his guitar and banjo.
   Humans are odd creatures. This time of year they tend to do crazy things. I see all the store ads and catalogs that come to the house at this time of year. It's all about spending and shopping and getting the perfect present. Humans get themselves really worked up this time of year. Sophie told me that she remembers times when people would get into fights in stores over toys. I've seen pictures of people lined up to get into stores early in the morning to get a good price on something.
  It makes me glad that I am a cat.
  I think this attitude comes from C and Sophie. They don't usually give each other much for Christmas. They believe that the best gifts can't be bought in a store and wrapped.  Sophie says that the best present is the time that they can spend together. She works a lot this time of year.  She knows.
    I'm grateful for the new exercise equipment that is under the tree. I know that Sophie like the new lamp that C bought her so she can see while knitting and also the set of bowls. C likes the books that Sophie bought him. The best thing though is that we will get to spend the day together. I'm so happy.
We really do have everything.


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