I'm not sweater material
I had found a simple pattern for a crocheted sweater. It's really more like a pair of sleeves. You crochet a rectangle and then fold it over and seam it. I found some blue yarn with red and green in it to use for this project.
I was sitting on the couch working on it when I heard a voice say "Hey!"
I looked around the room. No one was there. I knew it wasn't the cats because they were both sleeping in our bedroom. I started working again.
"Hey! Look down here," the voice said. I looked down at the floor.
"I'm right next to you," the voice said.
I looked next to me. All I saw was the ball of yarn that I was using.
"Are you taking to me?" I said to the yarn.
"Of course, do you see any one else in the room?" I let that comment pass.
"Sorry, " I said, "I didn't realize that yarn can talk."
"Well, normally we don't. However you aren't paying attention to what you are doing and it's driving me crazy."
I looked at my stitches, They were neat and in order. I didn't see anything wrong with them.
"That's not what I meant," said the yarn irritably.
"Would you care to explain then?" I asked.
"I'm not sweater material and you know it, " said the yarn
"How do you know that?"
The yarn sighed. "It's obvious. You had to redo the foundation chain twice. You had to rip out one row and rework it. You're tentative when you stitch and you've completed only four rows. On the other hand you have got quite a bit done on the knitted shawl that you started." The yarn went on. "You've folded what you have done over to look at the size. What you're doing does not look like the picture and...I'm willing to bet you can't picture the finished project like you can everything else."
The yarn was right. Normally I do have a picture in my head of what a project will look like. I was also wondering if I would have anything that would match this sweater when it was finished. The yarn was sort of an impulse buy. I liked the colors.
I decided that the best thing to do was just admit it and see what happens.
"Good call," I said to the yarn. "You're right. Do you have any thought as to what I might do with you?"
The yarn was ready. "As a matter of fact, I do. I'd like to be a throw or a blanket."
I looked at the yarn. It was right. It would make an attractive throw. There was just one problem.
"I'm a novice crocheter," I said. "I don't know how to crochet a throw."
The yarn was ready with an answer. "You know how to make a granny square. I know that you do, There are about five of them in the bag with me. All you have to do is crochet a really big granny square."
I thought about it for minute. That would work. I had bought two large balls of yarn. I might be able to make a matching pillow out of some of the yarn. "Good idea," I said.
I began to rip out the stitches I had done.
"That's the ticket. Rip those stiches out, " encouraged the yarn.
After I ripped out the stitches I rewound the yarn on the ball. Then I made a chain loop and began a granny square.
"Much better, much,much better." the yarn said, clearly satisfied.
After a few rows the yarn spoke up. "Look at it, doesn't it look better?"
I had to admit that it did. I'm not sure what it was, but it did look very good, much better than the sweater I was trying to make. I patted the ball of yarn. "Thank you for your help," I said
"Thank you for being reasonable," it replied. "We'll both be much happier now."
I kept working for awhile waiting to see if there would be any more comments from the ball of yarn. It was quiet. It seemed to have a happy glow about it that I hadn't seen before. It was clearly content with what it was going to be and I was too.
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