
   I trudged in to work on Monday morning. The Thanksgiving weekend was over. It is the time of the year that I dislike more than any other. I opened the door of the pharmacy and shut off the alarm. I took off my coat, stowed my things away for the day, took my mug of tea to my work station and logged on.
  Something was different. I couldn't quite figure out what it was. Whatever it was, it was making me feel pretty good. I didn't mind the fact that I wasn't getting as much work done as I'd hoped. I wasn't even worried that the overnight snow fall was going to make my tech late. In fact, I was borderline cheerful.
  Then it hit me. There was no sound. It wasn't because the store was deserted. There were a few customers shopping in the store. What I wasn't hearing was the sound of Christmas music playing. The Musak was turned off. It was quiet.
  At that moment I would have turned a backflip if I could. I would have done a bunch of fist pumps and a victory dance. As it was I had to exercise strong self control to keep from skipping merrily around the pharmacy. No Christmas music yay!
  I went happily about my work. No Christmas music at work! Yippee!!!!! No "It's a Marshmallow World" making me wish I could choke Dean Martin. I wouldn't have to hear "The Christmas Song" 20 times a day. I wouldn't have to hear songs about good will towards men as another customer chews me out because their doctor hasn't called back to refill their prescription. I wouldn't have to listen to songs about holiday parties and sleigh rides. I wouldn't have to listen to songs about rocking around a Christmas tree and wondering if I will be able to get one up this year. I wouldn't have to endure any of that.
  That means that I can brush off my collection of Christmas CDs (yes, I do have some) and put them in my CD player. I can listen to Mannheim Steamroller without flinching. I might even bring out the James Taylor CD that C gave me a few years ago.
  I might even say that I'll catch a  little of the Christmas spirit, but that's going a bit too far. Instead I'll just be thankful for the fact that one of my greatest irritations will be gone. I can be happy with that.


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