Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh

   Yesterday C and I were running errands. We had to grocery shop and purchase a few other things. The last stop we made was at a local Target store. I needed to buy some things and I didn't want C to see what I was getting. (Saint Nicholas Day is tomorrow.)
  I did not get a basket because I was only going to pick up a few things. As I was walking through one section to check out, I dropped a Christmas tree ornament that I found. It was glass so it shattered on impact. The pieces were spread all over the floor. I didn't want anyone to get cut, so I went in search of a store employee to call for clean up. I went to the jewelry section. No one there. I checked the dressing room. There were people trying things on, but no employees. I looked in the aisles to see if maybe someone was restocking or facing shelves. No luck. There was a long line at the return desk and every cash register had a line. I was frustrated. I'm sure that if I didn't need help, I would have seen all kinds of employees. I finally interrupted a lady checking out customers to tell her where the broken ornament was. She said she would call someone.
  I went back to get a replacement. This time I also grabbed a basket. I got another ornament and went back to the checkout. The people ahead of me seemed to be purchasing four or five of everything, but none of the lines were any shorter. I waited.
  I put my things out to be rung up. I asked the clerk to ring up two ornaments. In smaller stores, when you break something you must pay for it. I saw no reason why this wouldn't apply at Target. I've worked in retail long enough to know that part of the mark up on product has to account for loss and theft. The clerk wrapped my ornament in a plastic bag and set it next to me. I paid for my purchases. I took the bag containing the ornament and was turning to leave when I dropped it. I could hear the tinkle of breaking glass. I couldn't believe it. That was the second one I broke. How the heck does that happen. I'm clumsy, but not that clumsy. I chuckled as I picked up the bag. Fortunately the broken glass was inside the bag. There was no mess to clean up. I handed the bag back to the cashier to throw away. "Clearly, I wasn't supposed to have this," I said to the clerk. Inside I was still chuckling. I would have laughed out loud, but I was afraid people would think I was crazy.
  I found C who was impatiently waiting for me. I told him what had happened. He didn't find it as funny as I did.
  I'm learning that sometimes you just have to laugh. Getting upset isn't helpful. Laughing at least makes you feel better. (Laughing is healthy too.) It can make the people around you fell better too. The next time some small thing happens and you tempted to cry or swear, laugh instead. It will be more helpful and possibly enjoyable.


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