Bionic Eyes

   Last year I purchased a new pair of glasses. I was in a rush to purchase as I needed to get this done before the end of the year to use my flex plan money. I wasn't sure about the nosepiece. I always got glasses with thin frames and two small silicon pads for the nose piece.  This way they can be adjusted and the glasses won't slide down my nose. The new glasses had a solid plastic piece that I was told would not slide down.
  After several weeks of constantly having to push my glasses up as they slid nearly to the tip of my nose, I gave up. I was tired of having to hold them up all the time and tired of the skull crushing headaches I was having from the sliding lenses. I was not about to tape the nose piece to my face which was the only option I had for keeping them up. I decided to go back to wearing last year's pair.
  My prescription had changed only a little bit. I didn't notice any difference except that I was much more comfortable.
  I went to my yearly appointment last week. As I suspected my prescription had changed. The optometrist wanted to change my contact prescription. She thought it needed to go down a little. I didn't mind. I got my trial pair and left.
  Yesterday I put them in. They felt good. So far I was happy with them. I drove to work.
   Something amazing happened. When I walked though the doors and into the store everything looked brighter and in 3 D. The edges of corners looked sharper and things just looked a lot clearer and larger.
  I went into the pharmacy and started my work for the day. My close up vision was unchanged. My distance vision was greatly improved.
  I looked up and to my right and realized that I could read that cookies were found in aisle eight. I could never read that sign clearly before. The ads that were placed on the freezers across from the pharmacy were crisp and clear. I could read the smaller print on them. I'd never noticed that before.
  I could read the signs by the bakery. They were clear. It was like I had bionic eyes.
  It took a certain amount of self control not to stare at everything. It was so different. I'd never experienced this before. This is what it must be like when someone gets glasses for the first time. This is what it must have been like for C when he got his hearing aids.
  It was a little overwhelming. It looked to me like I was in a whole new store. Everything was bright and shiny. It was very cool.
  I'm sure it was the transition between my two year old glasses and my new contacts that made the contrast so vivid. I was grateful that my new contacts worked out so well. I hadn't realized what I was missing.
  I'm looking forward to being able to see with my "bionic eyes".


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