Wrong Number?

Bonnie had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. They caught it early and she was going to take treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Her doctors were optimistic. Still, cancer is cancer and it conjures up visions of hair loss, nausea, mouth sores and generally feeling unwell. A scary prospect.
She was calling up her daughter to let her know what was going on as she prepared to start chemotherapy the next week. A male voice answered the phone. She had dialed a wrong number.
Bonnie apologised explaining to the man that she was trying to call her daughter. She told him that she had just been diagnosed with cancer and had a lot on her mind. The two started to chat a bit. The man's name was Loren and he asked if it would be all right if he stayed in touch with her to see how she was doing. They traded phone numbers and said a short prayer together.
The day after her first chemo treatment Bonnie got a call from Loren to see how her first treatment went. He told her that he taught Sunday School at a local church and that he had his class pray for her the past Sunday. She and her husband were touched by his actions.
Maybe it wasn't a wrong number after all.


  1. Life is full of wonderful "surprises" even in the midst of crises...wrong numbers like this reminds me that we are not in control, but are blessed beyond belief when we move forward towards the good.

    Thank you for sharing, Sophie.


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