Getting Wet

I was going to write about taking Scamp and Colby to the vet or Scamp and Colby would write it themselves. However it didn't go well, Scamp doesn't like to go to the vet but usually voices his displeasure by hissing and growling. Today he tried to attack the vet tech and turned into someone I didn't recognise. I was a bit upset and really embarrassed as he doesn't act like that at home. The vet assured me that it was all right and that some cats act like that. Next year, they'll knock him out first.
It has been raining off and on all day (so far). After dropping off a friend after lunch I went to the post office. It was pouring and of course I couldn't park very close. So I got out of the car and walked in. I liked it. It felt good.
Actually, I like walking in the rain. I don't mind getting wet if I'm not supposed to be someplace where I have to look presentable. It's refreshing. Really it is.
I went running in the rain once. It was a light rain. I thought the jacket I was wearing was waterproof, but half way through the run I discovered that it wasn't. I got completely soaked and I liked it. It was the perfect temperature, not too cold and not too hot. It was the best run I had. I was soaked by the time I got home. I had stepped in several puddles and my shoes were soaked through too.
After feeding the cats I put on some dry clothes. There's nothing like dry clothes after you've been soaked in the rain. I don't know what it is. It's not the same as putting on dry clothes after swimming or after working hard and getting sweaty. The clothes feel softer and a little warmer. I like that feeling too.
Maybe it's because one of my favourite movie scenes is Gene Kelly singing and dancing in the rain. Sometimes I'm tempted, but I'm usually out in public and people would think I was nuts if I started to sing and dance in the rain. He looks like he's having such fun splashing around in the water puddles and standing under a gutter. I like the way he swings his umbrella around too. If Donald O'Connor were somewhere in that scene it would be perfect for me.
I like thunderstorms too. I realise that they can be pretty destructive and the thought of lightning strikes can be scary, but I still like to watch them. It's like watching fireworks. I know all the science behind thunder, but I'm still amazed at how loud it can get.
It's a good thing that I do like rain because it has been raining a lot this summer. Once in awhile we have a dry day, but those seem to be few. As long as the sun shines long enough to ripen the tomatoes it will be fine. Until then I'll be inside watching the rain and wanting to go dance in it.
Maybe if I wait until after sunset.......


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