Out in the Garden

I have the day off and it isn't raining so I thought it would be a good time to get a little work done in the garden. I haven't had time to do much except water the pepper plants in the pots when they look wilted and to maybe pull a weed here or there. I did get a chance to smell the lavender when it bloomed.
The herb garden needed to be trimmed a little. The lemon balm was over taking the thyme and the peppermint plants were shadowing the rosemary and the chocolate mint plant. The grape vine was trying to shake hands with the lemon balm and I couldn't even find the chamomile that I planted.
I put on my work clothes, gabbed my shears and went to work. I trimmed the basil plants and the lemon balm so the thyme could get more sun. I trimmed the mint plants a little bit. Then I cut some basil and some lemon balm and mint. I thought I might try to dry them. There is a spot in the computer room by the window that could work. I could hang bunches from the shelves. If it didn't work, no big deal. I have plenty.
After I cleaned up the herbs I inspected the flowers. I pulled a few weeds and trimmed some of the dry dead flower heads off. I pulled out two day lilies that were missed when we cleaned up the flower bed. The flowers were looking very good. We have three or four volunteer snapdragons that come up every year. The looked like they belonged. Somehow they always seem to know where to grow.
I looked over the veggie side of the garden. We have lots of small green tomatoes and a lot of tiny bell peppers. Some of the peppers had fallen off the plants and were rotting. I put them in my weed bucket. The other pepper plants have lots of flowers, but no peppers yet. All in all it looked pretty good.
The hostas are also looking good. Some of them have flowers and one of them has just finished blooming. I pulled out the few weeds that were growing. Next year we may need to reset the bricks around the hostas as they are starting to separate.
I got the watering can and gave the potted plants in the front yard a good drink. The petunias that looked so nice have mostly dried up. I was counting on all the rain we got to keep them watered, but it must not have rained on them. The other pot looked pretty good. I watered the begonias on the deck too.
The last stop I made was by the mockorange. My dad brought it to me a week ago as an early birthday present. A mockorange is a bush with small, star shaped, sweet smelling flowers on it. It blooms in the spring right after the lilacs. Dad grew it from a cutting from the large bush at his house. I am happy to have it and I told it so. I told it that I hoped it would be happy in its new home and that I looked forward to all the sweet smelling flowers it would produce.
I put all my tools away and brought my bunch of basil, lemon balm and mint into the house. I couldn't find my twine so I made a note to buy some. I could tied up the bunch of basil with sewing thread, the rest of the herbs were too heavy. I set them on the shelves by the window to start drying until I can hang them. Scamp came to check them out and decided that it was all right. He seems to like the smell of lemon balm.
The gardening work should be pretty east until fall. The mockorange needs to be planted in the ground. The only other thing that needs to be done is to pick the tomatoes when they ripen. Which I hope is soon.....


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