Bucket List

I was glancing over the headlines on the Yahoo home page when I came across one that mentioned President Bill Clinton's bucket list. I'm sure most of you know what a bucket list is, but for those who don't it is a list of things one would like to do before one dies. (kicks the bucket)
I don't really have a bucket list. To me all I hope for is that I if/when I look over my life I don't say, "If I had it to do over again I 'd do it differently. " It sounds strange, I know, but I've always thought my purpose here on earth was to make my corner of it better. So a bucket list is really not necessary.
There are a few things that I would like to do or have happen, but those require action on someone else's part so I can't really call it a bucket list. I will share a few of those things now.
I would like to have one of these columns printed in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Actually I'd like to be a regular columnist there, but that would be asking for too much. I know that newspapers will probably be obsolete in five years or less and that no one cares about them anyway. I grew up reading Erma Bombeck and other columnists in newspapers and think it would be cool to at least once see this column in print. It doesn't have to be in the New York Times or Washington Post. My home town newspaper will be just fine. Sure I can see it on a computer screen and even print it off. It's not the same as having someone else publish it.
I would like to write a song with C and then hear it on the radio. C writes music and I can and have written lyrics once or twice. When I first heard him play I fantasized about writing songs with him. I don't need to perform the songs, I'm well aware of my limits. It would be fun to turn on the radio and hear a song that my best friend and husband and I wrote playing. It wouldn't even need to be a big hit as long as it is in the top ten that would be fine.
I would like someone to ask me the ten questions that James Lipton asks at the end of Inside the Actors Studio. Again, I could find the questions and answer them myself, but it wouldn't be as much fun. You could start a really interesting conversation based on those ten questions. I have used them as Table Topics questions at Toastmaster meetings.
Another thing I would like to do is go to a formal dance. One of my favourite scenes in the movie "The Sound of Music" is the part where the Baron Von Trapp holds a party for Baroness Schraeder. There are scenes of people dancing, listening to good music and having a good time. I would get all dressed up in a formal gown to go to an event like that. I would even be willing to have my hair done and wear make up. I would like to waltz, attempt a fox trot and maybe even something Latin.
The last thing I'd like to do is watch an acting award show like the Oscar or Emmy awards and see Carrie win something. She wouldn't even have to mention me among all the people she thanks (although it would be nice if she did). I'd just want to sit in front of the TV with C holding hands and basking in the joy that she did it and we helped. Then I could say, "I knew her when..."
As I said before these things can't really be counted as a bucket list as most of them depend on others to make them come true. Fortunately for me I will be fine if none of these things happen. It would be fun though if any of them did.....


  1. I am going to have a computer tip posted in "Smart Computing" magazine..Does that count?


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