
I went into Small Town today to have my hair done. When you have hair like mine and you find someone who can do it without screwing it up and is a nice person on top of it you tend to keep them. Even if it means driving 20 minutes to get there.
As I was walking back to the car I stopped by the fair trade store. It's been open a year or so. Usually it's closed when I walk by it. Today it was open so I went inside. I try to buy things fair trade and from food co ops and farmers markets whenever I can. At the very least I try to buy things from local businesses. Maybe I wind up paying a bit more, but supporting the local economy is important to me. I firmly believe in fair trade. Fair trade stores buy their goods from people who pay fair wages and keep decent working conditions for their employees. They also tend to have items made from recycled objects. Since I recycle it only works when you buy things made from recycled materials.
I found a cute blue cotton knit jacket. I looked at the size, small. Darn! It was really cute and a nice shade of blue. I looked behind it, there were brown and black, but no blue. I walked away to look at the other items. I saw all kinds of nice things, but my eyes kept creeping back to the jacket. It was a close fitting style that I usually don't wear. I thought it would be nice for the fall and good to wear to work. It was thin and would fit nicely under my lab coat.
I finally asked the clerk if they had any blue ones in the back. They didn't, but they were getting in more. She could mail it to me when it came in. She asked me to try on another size so she would know what to send. She handed me a brown one in medium. I took it into the dressing room to try it on.
To me it seemed a bit tight, but the clerk adjusted it here and there and said she thought it fit very well. I looked in the mirror. To my surprise, it looked good.
I wasn't expecting it to look good. It was brown. I was wearing it over reddish T-shirt, but it was still brown. I was always told that brown was a colour I should avoid. When I was younger someone had told me that I was either a winter or spring. (I can't remember what they said.) That meant that I would look good in bright colours and jewel tones. It also meant that I should avoid earth tones. The closest I would ever get to owning something in the brown colour family is light or dark tan pants and the occasional pair of brown shoes.
That didn't seem to matter though, I was wearing the brown jacket and it looked good. I quickly went over the things in my closet. I could wear black, white, cream and red with this jacket. I had plenty of things that matched. No problem. I'll take it.
I also found a cute looking blue print cotton skirt. I need another skirt like I need a hole in the head, but I like them. They are comfortable and look good. Also it's supporting a good cause, right?
I paid the cashier and left with a smile. I really like that store. It felt good to take a little step out of the old comfort zone.
Carrie got home shortly after I did and I tried it on for her. She liked it too. She's a good judge of those things so I trust her. She said it looked like something she would borrow.
Maybe I should have got two.....


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