Spring is a busy season

Hi Everyone, this is Scamp. For those of you that don't know me, I am the chief house cat that lives with C and Sophie. I am an absolutely gorgeous Maine Coon cat mix. I am a bit over two years old. I have a younger brother, Colby, who lives here too. He is my second in command.
Spring is a busy time for us cats. Now that the snow is off the ground and it's warm out I am starting to patrol the outside of the house with my human. I have to be on the alert for predators and things that don't belong here. My job is to make sure that they understand that they are not welcome here. This is my territory!
You have to be very subtle when looking for predators. I like to sit in the grass quietly and look for them, moving once in a while to a different spot. I know Sophie thinks that I am being lazy and chewing grass. That's not the case. I am hiding in the grass or when there is no grass picking a piece of dirt that matches my fur so I can't be seen. I have not caught anything yet, but I have tracked some birds living in the pine trees at the edge of the backyard. One of them is a red bird. Very nice looking, but stupid. How will he blend into the trees when he is that bright red?
Colby and I also observe the front and backyards through observation posts on the inside of the house. Our job is to look for intruders and to notify the humans when we see one. The problems is training the humans to understand what the alert is. If I jump on the short wall by the steps or run towards the door that means intruders are coming. Sometimes I run into the hall too. Sometimes the humans just look at us and ask each other "What is going on?" . I think we may need to work with them more on this.
We have two very comfortable cat trees to watch the front yard from. We have to watch the back yard from a windowsill. This is not as comfortable as the sill is a bit narrow. I prefer to sit or lay on the kitchen counter top. It is much more comfortable. Sophie does not like me to do this though, I have no idea why. I stay out of her way for the most part while she is cooking and I'm only doing my job. Doesn't she want me to be comfortable?
Spring is also shedding season. During the winter I grow a nice thick coat and in the spring I shed it. I have to, otherwise I'd be way too hot. This means I have to be groomed about every other day sometimes every day to keep my coat looking fabulous. Actually I don't mind the grooming, I am a long haired cat so these things must be done. The part I don't like is when Sophie combs the fur on my belly and the inside of my back legs. Who cares! It doesn't show! I don't like how it feels and it takes time away from grooming the parts of me that do show which is much more important. We chief house cats must look our best, you know. Colby does not like to be groomed. I keep telling him that it isn't that bad and besides he's shedding his fur all over the house. He tells me that he is a short hair cat and can groom himself, thank you very much! I think I need to work with him more on this matter.
I suppose I'd better get going. Today is laundry day so I'll have to help Sophie make the beds. Sometime today I need to fit in a nap. Getting my beauty rest is very important.


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