Road Trip/C and Sophie Get it Done

Yesterday Tracy and I went on a road trip. We've done this before. We load her dog into her SUV and head north. We were going to Louie's Finer Meats for some sausage, Bona Casa for ravioli, Bella Curella for some cheese,Bergman's Greenhouse for plants and Cady Cheese factory for more cheese.

I was looking forward to this. I like the flowers at Bergman's and they have the herb plants I like. I was also getting low on cheese and I believe the best cheese can be found at small factories out in the country.

Tra and I have not seen each other for quite awhile. The first thing we needed to do was catch up on what was happening with each other's lives. We were so involved in the process that we missed a turn and ended up in a small town west of where we wanted to be. I was a bit worried. The last time we missed a turn like this we had to stop and get directions because Tra didn't have a Wisconsin map in the car. This time she remembered to carry one and we quickly found our way back to to the right road. We weren't lost, we just took the scenic route.

It didn't take long for us to pick up the food we wanted. I didn't buy any Italian sausage this trip. I still had about four pounds that I got from my Dad as a present. There's also no room in the freezer. I did pick up some ravioli remembering this time to pick up cheese and raisin ravioli for Jake and Mariah. (The only other kind is chicken and cheese. Since they are vegetarians that doesn't work.) I picked up some muenster and a few other cheeses at Bella Curella. We stopped at a small cafe for a quick lunch.

Then we went to Bergman's. It looked the same as it did last year. We started out by walking around the greenhouse to see what we wanted. I needed flowers for the flower garden, basil,two hostas and something to replace the ugly orange day lilies I was determined to clean out of the garden this year. (no vegetables, C prefers to pick those out himself.) The greenhouse is huge. The plants were all laid on on tables divided into annuals and perennials. There were lilies,geraniums,pansies,petunias ,moss roses, plants that had coloured leaves and a whole bunch more that I can't name. There were fuscias in hanging baskets and plants in decorative planters all over the greenhouse.

This year I was on a mission. I tend to buy plants with purple flowers. This year I wanted some other colours. I bought two miniature dahlias one pink and white, the other sunshine yellow. I found some marigolds and another strange looking plant with fuzzy coloured stalks. They were a mix of colours orange,yellow and a pinkish colour. I bought a purple and gold pansy and a petunia with a fluffy ruffled edge. I found a red lily called 'Cobra'. I thought that would be perfect. The flowers around the lilies are purple so it should stand out. I found two basil and two hostas. I could have bought one of everything, but that was enough. If I needed more flowers I could go to the garden store near my workplace.

It was a fun trip. C and I had dinner with Tra and her boyfriend, Luke, who I'd never met. Then we went home. Buying the plants was the easy part. Now they have to go into the ground.

This morning C and I went to the Farmer's Market. I was hoping for some broccoli or maybe some asparagus. Not this week. This week the Market boasted huge flats of flowers,vegetable and other decorative plants waiting to make a home in some one's garden. There were beautiful hanging baskets in all the colours and mixes of colours. I was inspired. I wanted to get home and get to work.

I changed into my ripped up jeans and my "Cat Mom" T-shirt. I stuck my St Paul Saints baseball cap on my head and went out.

C decided to cut the grass first. That was OK. He would have to help me decide where the flowers should go and he'd need to help me dig up the day lilies. I had other things I could do while he mowed.

The herbs were planted first. Chocolate mint, chamomile, rosemary and both basil plants fitted right in. The hostas went around a tree in the front yard. There had been a ring of hostas around the tree, but some of them had died. Helen gave me two. The two I bought fitted perfectly into the empty spaces. With any luck they would spread and ring around the entire tree.

Then I needed to clean out the part of the garden where the flowers go. I cleaned out dead stalks and dead plants that I'd missed last fall. Some of the plants had spread so I yanked them out so the other plants would have some room. We would need to put down more mulch once all was in place. I pulled out weeds. By this time C was ready to help.

We arranged the flowers and planted them. He wanted the marigolds between the herbs and the vegetables. That's fine with me. Last year we planted them around the tomatoes and no one could see them. It went well. Now he needed to dig up those day lilies.

My original thought was to replant the lilies on the edge on our property. Neither one of us felt safe digging there. We had no idea if there were any phone or electrical lines in the ground. We decided to plant then in a small corner by the house.

Since I don't like them I probably should have thrown them away. No one else wanted them. I didn't because I felt bad. They weren't weeds and had done nothing wrong. I didn't feel right killing them like that. I thought it would be more "humane" to find a new home for them. If they survived, fine. If not at least I tried. Poor C had a hard time getting them out. They had been there a long time and the roots were extensive. He finally got enough clumps to put in the front and I put another clump in the back yard. He was tired. It wasn't an easy job especially after mowing the front yard and most of the back.

We cleaned up the spot and planted the red lilies. The garden looks so much more open now and a lot cleaner. The only thing left to put in was vegetables and we had not bought them yet. after that we could put down new mulch and then enjoy what we had created.

Both of us were covered in dirt and tired. We were also pleased with how things looked. It was a bit before two o'clock so we even had time to buy groceries before dinner. We took a tour around to see everything. If all goes well the garden will look pretty good.

On to the next project....


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