Free Time

I think I'm on vacation next week. When I looked at the schedule, my name was off it and someone else was covering my shifts. I'm not completely sure though. Most likely what will happen is that I will go to work and if someone else is there I'll greet them politely and leave.
I have no idea what I'll do. I don't like taking vacation. I don't like being away from work for more than a long weekend and I really don't like the kind of mess I always seem to come back to. I'm not implying that my staff is no good. They are, but things pile up especially when a regular staff member is missing and a substitute is working.
This whole thing started when the company I work for changed the way vacation scheduling is handled. We had to make our requests at the beginning of the year and we had to take at least two thirds of our allotted vacation time. So I had to submit two weeks. I remember picking one week in May thinking that it wouldn't be approved and I could just take the one week I usually take. It was approved.
Then I thought I'd just kick the substitute out and work anyway. After all they can't tell me I have to take vacation. They should be grateful that I don't take vacation time. That wouldn't be fair to the sub though. It's not their fault and I shouldn't penalize them.
So it looks like I'll have to find something else to do. I could organize the file cabinet and clean all the stuff off the dining room table. (We usually eat at the kitchen counter.) I could finish the cross stitch projects I've started. I have an apron that is stamped cross stitch. It says "Conserve water, Drink Wine".
I could give myself a spa day, facial and a pedicure maybe take myself out to lunch. I could go to the library. I could write letters to people I keep telling myself I'll write to.
The cat boxes could stand to be washed out with soap and water. I could give Scamp and Colby a good through grooming. Scamp would like that very much.
I could go to a greenhouse with a friend of mine,if she has a day off, and buy plants for the garden. A road trip could be fun. I could also go alone, but it wouldn't be as much fun. Of course I coould also prepare the garden to be planted and decide what flowers we'll plant this year. I could go to a paint store and decide what colour to paint my bathroom and the kitchen, just in case we do paint it.
It looks like I won't be bored if I'm on vacation. I'll have plenty to do. I'll just have to figure out what to do first.....


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