C and Sophie go for a run

I may have to start believing in miracles. Now that the sun is up around five-thirty in the morning I can go running. If I want to get in any exercise I have to do it in the early morning or it won't get done. I've been waiting for the sun to rise earlier so I can start running again. (Yes, I'm a wuss. I won't run in the snow or heavy rain.) I like to be outside as much as possible when it is nice out. I think it has to do with living in the north all my life.
Back to the miracle... When I told C that I was going to start running in the mornings he mentioned that he would be joining me. I gently scoffed at the idea. To me, C is a night owl. If he had his way we would stay up until 11 pm to midnight and get up between nine and ten in the morning. He can get up earlier and has due to various jobs that require it, but I still think he's a late afternoon to night person. Nothing wrong with that. So I didn't think there was any way that he would get out of bed at five-thirty to go out running with me.
I decided that yesterday morning I would go out for a run. I got my running gear laid out the night before and made sure the alarm clock was set. Usually I'm awake before then, but just in case.
I was awake when the alarm clock went off and I crawled carefully out of bed so as not to disturb C. He reached over and shut the alarm off. I expected him to reset it for another couple hours and go back to sleep. He didn't. Instead he got up and started rooting around looking for his sweat pants and a shirt to wear. He went to the living room, found socks and his running shoes and proceeded to stretch. He was serious. He was really going to run with me!
We left the house stretched and ready to go. We walked first to get warmed up and then ran for a bit. Although I been keeping in shape as best I could over the winter I wasn't sure how much I could run. I found that I could run almost as much as I could last fall before I had to stop. C was doing all right too. In fact given that he hadn't actually run since he was in college I thought he was doing great. (But then he does bike, walk and work out on the treadmill and elliptical at work) There were a few times that I got ahead of him and stopped to let him catch up, but not too much. I was very proud of him. It was nice to have someone to run with.
This morning I got up and got dressed to run again. C asked me where I was going. I told him that it was nice out and I was going to run again. He said he had not slept well and wasn't sure if he would go or not. I was going no matter what.
A few minutes later as I was stretching C came out ready to go. I was pleased, I knew that he had to work the day shift and that he could have just slept for another hour. Instead he was going to come with me again! Yaay!
This time we took a very brisk walk instead. I did run a little bit, I almost had to he has a much longer stride than I do. I was so happy that he got up I could hardly stand it. I know that he has been making some effort to get in shape and it is starting to look as if he will be taking his efforts up a notch. We talked about the need to push you self to the limit as we walked. He said that that was what he had to do as a football player and member of the track team. If he could do it then, I knew that he could do it now. (but then I am disgustingly smitten with him. I believe he can do anything he puts his mind to.)
I'm hoping we will get to go out in the mornings more often. It would be fun to take out our bikes and go for an early morning ride. Maybe I will be able to get him to do a little yoga to stretch out his joints and relieve some job stress. I can work on that later. Right now I'm just happy to having a running partner, just like the other people I see out.


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