The Garden is Planted

At the risk of offending all my Christian friends, I think I can imagine what God felt like after he created the heavens and earth. I finished planting the garden yesterday. All of the plants that we bought or that were given to me are planted somewhere. It took me about three hours, but then I was only planting half a garden as opposed to God creating everything. Like God though, I did walk around and look at everything I had done and could say, "it was very good." (Gen 1:31 KJV). Unlike God I did not get to rest afterward. It's only fair. Creating every thing is a big job. Planting the garden was work, but nowhere is as extensive.
It isn't completely finished actually. Now that all the plants are where they belong, we need to put mulch around them. That will be C's job. After the garden has been mulched, it will look better and will also be easier to maintain.
We are growing all kind of things. We have tomatoes and bell peppers. I was given some eggplant seedlings and a few Serrano and Poblano pepper plants. I was given some savory by a co worker. Savory is an herb I have never cooked with, but my thought is when someone gives you a plant put it in the ground. I bought a yellow tiger lily to go with the red lily I bought in Wisconsin.
The flowers are starting to bloom. The petunias came to us already flowering and the pansies and mini dahlias had buds. The climbing rose has started to flower and bees are already enjoying that fact. I have another plant that was given to me as a birthday present that is covered in tiny blue flowers. My lavender plant has got buds in it too. I'm really happy about that. I didn't think that it would come back after the winter, but it did. The thyme is also covered with tiny flowers. Thyme is another herb I haven't cooked with very much. I saw the thyme plant in the greenhouse with its little flowers on it. It looked so cute and was so fragrant I had to buy it.
The lemon balm plants are growing strong and the spearmint and peppermint are spreading. One of the basil plants has a slight bug problem. I think it will be all right though and I bought another just in case. The chamomile is holding its own. I planted it near the rose so that it is in the partial shade that it likes.
I also bought a pot of begonias to sit on the deck,a big planter for the front yard and another pot to put in a decorative wheelbarrow I bought a long time ago. One of the plants Helen gave me is in the wheelbarrow as well. There are actually two plants sharing a pot and one of them looks sick. I don't think it is going to make it. The other plant looks all right though.
If I can keep everything watered and prevent the bugs from chewing up one of the mini dahlias it will be another good gardening season. I'm looking forward to it.


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