Valentine's Day


   Yes, I know that Valentine's Day was four days ago. It's in the rearview mirror and it's time to look at the next holiday which is either St. Patrick's Day or Mardi Gras depending on who you are.

   When I was a kid, I remember not liking Valentine's Day much. I remember choosing a box of Valentine's cards that I had to give to my classmates at school. It was nerve wracking because I didn't want to be the kid that gave out the cards that no one wanted. I have memories of choosing what card to give each classmate. It was hard because several of them picked on me on a regular basis. I really didn't want to give them a card, but I wasn't allowed to exclude them. (They also weren't allowed to exclude me either now that I think about it.)

   As a young single woman Valentine's Day was nothing I cared about. I wasn't dating anyone so it was not special to me. I did take the opportunity to buy myself a heart shaped box of chocolate each year. Why not? I deserved it. 

   Before I met C, I did have one long-term boyfriend. One year for dessert he made an anatomically correct heart. In order to make it look realistic he put a little evaporated milk in the jello and covered it with cherry sauce. I can't remember if I ate it or not. He also gave me a blender as a present. I wasn't happy with it at the time as it wasn't very romantic. When we broke up he demanded I return all of his property. I kept the blender, I'd grown to like it.

   My indifference to Valentine's Day changed when I met C. Our first Valentine's Day was a few weeks after we met. I made him a mix tape of various songs complete with liner notes. He gave me a purple glass heart shaped tea candle holder. I still have it. It's in the living room right now. 

   By Valentine's Day the next year, we were engaged. That year he gave me my permanent engagement ring, replacing the solitaire garnet he bought me after he proposed. We had a steak dinner that we cooked together and danced in the living room. I gave him a small teddy bear dressed in a tuxedo. It went along with the bride teddy bear that I had. At out wedding the two bears were part of our decorations.

   Many times we've gone out to eat on Valentine's Day. Lately we make a special meal at home. One thing that C always does is buy me a box of chocolates from a local shop. I like to share it with him. 

  It seems over the years that Valentine's Day has become more inclusive. It's a celebration of love of all kinds, not just those who have a special person or a  partner in life.  That's good because if there is one thing we need, it's more expressions of love.




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