A Really Cold Day


   Yesterday when I got up, the temperature was -15. I was grateful because it was my day off. I had nowhere to go. I was going to be able to stay inside all day.

   Unlike a lot of people, winter does not bother me. In fact as an introvert, winter is a gift from God. It is a time when I can hibernate and no one will think anything of it. Yesterday was especially nice as C and I are in various stages of recovery from some kind of viral thing that is going around. (Yes, there are other illness causing viruses besides Covid.) There were no errands that had to be run that needed to be done immediately. We both could stay home.

   C slept for most of the morning. I fed and groomed Scamp, did my Scripture study and had a little breakfast. After that I got onto the computer to do some things for church. Once that was done I started some laundry and went into the kitchen. There were some things that needed to be hand washed. The rest I put into the dishwasher. It was almost full, I decided to wait to start it.

   My immediate chores out of the way, I took a shower and put on some warm comfortable clothes. I have a blue sweater that I like to wear around the house. I put it on and went into the living room. I sat down on the couch and got out my 10 stitch blanket. I began to work on it. The blanket is large enough that it covered my lap as I knit. It felt warm and comforting. Every so often I would get up to stretch, check on C and refill my tea cup.

   I stopped knitting for a bit so I could put another load in the washer. The couch cover that I washed a few days ago was dry. I brought it upstairs. Once C woke up, he could help me put the cover back on. The cushion cover that I washed was dry so I put it on the cushion. Even though I dried it on low heat it must have shrunk a bit. I had to wrestle the cushion in and zip it carefully. I was pleased with how clean the cushion looked. In the spring, we'll have to have cleaners come in and clean the loveseat, although I'd rather get a new one. I bought the cream coloured loveseat when I was single and my cats had light coloured fur. Over the years it has become a bit rough looking. The cover makes it look a lot better.

   Eventually C got up. It was close to lunchtime and we were both a little hungry. We'd been eating soup and leftovers for most of the week. Neither of us felt good enough to cook. C decided he'd get us some takeout. He shaved and got cleaned up. Once his hair was dry he ventured out. It was about -4 when he left. 

   Once he got home we ate and watch an episode of old Night Court. Although a lot of the jokes had not aged well and would be seriously offensive now, we still enjoyed it.

   After lunch C told me some stories about his brother Joe. I never met him because he died in a car wreck 48 years ago. Yesterday was his birthday. He would have been 70. I had a couple of pieces of angel food cake that my dad insisted I take home with me when I visited the day before. C  washed some blueberries and we ate the cake with the berries. Happy birthday Joe, wherever you are.

  By the time we got this done, it was time to feed Scamp. I put some food in his dish, knowing that he would be hungry and out soon to eat.

   We did a little cleaning. Then we settled in for the night. I took up my knitting again. I thought I could get one side done before bedtime. We watched MASH and The Andy Griffith Show. C made a couple of cheese sandwiches and we ate them while we watched Star Trek Next Generation. It was an episode we'd seen before and was one that we liked.

   I finished the knitting the corner we were working on and then it was bedtime. C, Scamp and I headed for the bedroom. It was a good day.


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