Lissa Writes A Book


   I got a text from Lissa a few weeks ago. She was going to make an important announcement soon. I was not to tell her mother what is was about. She wanted to surprise her Mom.

   I smiled when I saw the text. I knew what it was about. Micki, her mother, was definitely going to be surprised.

   The announcement was that Lissa was publishing her first book. I knew it was coming because she had asked me to be one of her beta readers last summer. It was a very enjoyable read. So much so that I had trouble putting it down and had to read it a second time more carefully to look for plot holes and other things that did not make sense. She was self publishing it so she wasn't sure when it would actually be released. There were all kinds of things that she needed to do. She needed to find someone to design the cover. She needed to find someone to read for an audiobook version. Most importantly she needed to find an editor.

   Now she's ready to announce the release of the book. I am so happy for her. Writing is what she has always wanted to do. When she was in school she wrote a fan letter to Stephenie Meyer. She got a response. I remember her sending the letter to me because she was so pleased that she received it. She asked me to mail it back to her as it was a special keepsake.

   I wasn't sure if she had kept up with her writing. She had a turbulent few years after she graduated from high school. She was living in different places and doing different things.

   She married Kurt and they settled down. They moved a few times looking for the right place to live. eventually they moved to Las Vegas near Kurt's family. Then she had Daniel and Alyse. I knew having two children close in age was going to keep her busy. Somehow she found time to write.

   I shouldn't be surprised. Lissa was and still is a very determined person. 


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