Snow Day


      We are in the midst of a snow storm. People have have been asked to stay home if possible as the roads are snow covered and slippery. Plows and sand trucks have been out to make the roads a little safer for those who must drive. In some parts of Minnesota the wind is blowing the snow around making it hard to see.

   As seasoned residents of the Midwest we are prepared for such situations. We took stock of our groceries and bought a few things that we needed. We have gas for our snowblower. We are prepared to hibernate as long as needed.

   I got up and attended my Toastmasters meeting which has been virtual since Covid. C got up when the meeting was over and together we have made some beef barley soup which is cooking in the crockpot. Scamp is curled up on a wool blanket after enjoying his breakfast and a dehydrated chicken treat. I have a nice cup of tea and am sitting in front of the computer writing.

   Days like this are heaven for me as long as I don't have to work. I like being snowed in and freed from having to go out and do things. I can concentrate on the things that I need to get done in the house. Today those things are cleaning the floor and dusting. I may also do some sweeping and mop the kitchen floor.

   I have a few church matters to attend to. Mostly emailing people and posting things on social media. I can get these things done uninterrupted.

   Once I get my work done, then I can do something I like to do. In this case it is working on knitting my Ten Stitch blanket. I'm sure people are getting tired of hearing me talk about it. It's large enough now that it is too big for the bad that I keep it in. I have to cram it into the bag. Pretty soon I will need to find another bag to store it in when I'm not working on it. 

   It's a day to slow down and relax a bit and recharge my batteries so that I am ready to face the world again..... in a day or so.....once the snow has been cleared.....


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