Still In My Pajamas

    Lots of unheard of things have been happening the last few weeks. I've taken a day off. I've come into work on time instead of early and I actually laughed and joked with one of my techs. These are things that haven't happened in a very long time.
  Today a couple more unheard of things have happened. I did not set my alarm and woke up a 6 :20 this morning. It is now 7:48 Central Daylight time and I am still in my pajamas. (I am decently covered. Trust me.)
  Part of the reason why these two things have happened is because C and I were at the Temple last night and didn't get home until 11 o'clock. We both stayed up for a bit and didn't get to bed until nearly midnight. This is also a rare thing. I haven't stayed up that late in a long time. Normally I would not turn off my alarm. I've read in several places that people who have trouble sleeping should always wake up at the same time each day regardless of when they go to bed. This time I decided to turn off my alarm. I wanted to know what it feels like to wake up and actually feel rested. We didn't have anyplace we needed to be early in the morning and this is my weekend off.
  Normally when I get up I go and work out in our basement. Since it isn't light enough out a 5 AM to go running I have to settle for workout videos and the elliptical. This means I'm in my workout clothes for much of the morning. My workout clothes are comfortable because life is too short to wear uncomfortable clothes, but not as comfortable as pajamas.
  It's not what I'm wearing that is making this morning so different from most morning. It's the fact that I'm not rushing around getting a lunch ready for work, getting cleaned up and dressed. I'm not downstairs trying to keep up with the instructor on my workout video. I'm not sucking down my cup of tea as fast as I can.
  I'm having a leisurely morning. When I went to retrieve my Ipad from where it was plugged in the room was lit. I worried that I left a light on all night and them realized that it was lit because the sun was up. I'm so used to it being dark. I'm sipping at my cup of tea. After I fed the cats I did my daily (well most days anyway)  Scripture study. The only thing that could make this morning more perfect is to have my favourite breakfast of a hard roll, jam, cheese, tea and fruit.
  As it stands I'm perfectly satisfied. I may even get a chance to knit a little bit before C wakes up. I'm knitting a washcloth and scrubby set for Carrie who has moved into her first apartment in New York City. There are other things I could be doing, like laundry or making out a grocery list for later today. I'm not going to. I've been given this gift of a morning and I am going to enjoy it.


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