More Things I Don't Understand

   One of the benefits of warmer weather is the ability and desire to get outside more often. This is really beneficial to me as I can get idea for columns based on what I see. Today I'm going to write about more things I simply do not understand. They are in no particular order.
  C and I were taking a walk yesterday when we saw women going into a nearby workout studio. A few of them were wearing a little makeup. That's something I don't understand. Why would anyone wear makeup while working out? I would think that the potential for getting sweaty would rule out the makeup. You wipe you face with a towel to dry off the sweat and the makeup comes off with it. Then you are left with a bare face. It could be that these women were going to a yoga studio and yoga isn't a sweat inducing exercise. That is unless you are doing "hot yoga", something else I don't understand.
  I don't understand people who feel sick enough to go to an ugent care clinic, but don't pick up the medications that were prescribed. That ranks right up there with people who go to the emergency room and bring the the prescriptions a week later. If you were sick enough to want to leave your home or take off work to go for medical treatment, why would you not pick up the medications that could help you? When I left work yesterday there were some prescrptions from an urgent care that were sent over on Saturday. They were still there yesterday when I left. I'm assuming that the person is feeling better.
  Yesterday I watched a little snippet of the morning news. The reporter was standing at a desk to read the headlines. There are a few minutes where there was a full body shot of her. She was wearing skin tight black pants with shoes that had very high spike heels. I don't understand the high heels. How do women wear those kind of shoes? They look like medieval instruments of torture. I am challenged by anything over an inch. When I walk in high heeled shoes I feel I'm teetering around like a drunk person. Those heels had to be at least five inches if not higher. How can she walk in those things? Even more important, don't they make your feet hurt? My church shoes have a 3/4 inch heel. After three hours of church I can't wait to rip those shoes off my feet. I know that women say they like to wear high heels because it makes their legs look nicer. Maybe they do, but I don't think it is worth the pain.
  A couple days ago C and I listened to a song by the Marshall Tucker Band. C has a soft spot for the band as they come from Spartanburg, South Carolina where C used to live. In fact he did meet one of the band members once at school. (Not sure how that happened as they did not attend he same high school that C did.) We listened to "Heard It In a Love Song". I don't get that song at all. I like the tune especially the flute and keyboard part. The words make no sense at all. It's about a guy who has been with a woman for a awhile and is telling her that he is going to leave her. He's going to sneak out at the break of dawn so he won't see her cry. The chorus is "Heard it in a love song" repeated a few times with the words "Can't be wrong" at the end. Makes no sense. None at all.
  This ends my list of things I don't understand. There's more I could name, but this is enough for now. I'll have to compile a new list in case I need it for another column some day.....


  1. Might be a cute guy at the gym..! Some guys think sweaty women are cute too..!


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