
   As part of our reorganization project, C and I have reorganized the storage unit where I keep all my craft items. I found a couple of things that I had forgotten I had.
  There were two needlepoint projects I had started, but had not finished. One is a picture of some peppers and the words "Howdy Y'All" The second is a picture of a birdhouse.
  I used to do counted cross stitch. The challenge is that my poor eyesight even with glasses and the increasing tremor in both hands was making it too difficult to do. I decided that needlepoint was close enough to cross stich that I could try it. I was able to take a class at a local needlework shop. I got into my new hobby. I loved the way the basic basketweave stitch looked. I enjoyed looking at the bright colours and the texture of the threads that I used. My first project is now the lid of a box that is on my coffee table. I also made a set of beautiful coasters. The "Howdy Y'all" project was doing to be framed and hung in our kitchen.
  I got bored with the basketweave and wanted to learn more. I took another class to learn more advanced stitches. That's when I started the birdhouse. I bought a couple of books and a doodle canvas to practice my new skills.
  I came to the realization that needlepoint, while fun, has limited practicality. I don't need more things to hang on the wall. There's only so many pillows you can make. In addition it is not a cheap hobby. If I'm going to make something I like to use the best materials I can find. The canvases I use are hand painted. That in and of itself is not cheap, although it does yield good results.
  I decided to learn to knit. It's much more practical. It's a lot less expensive. I can get a ball of cotton yarn for washcloths for less than five dollars. I put the needlepoint things away and started doing more knitting.
   Now that I've found these two unfinished projects I'm doing what any good needle worker would do. I'm finishing them. I started on the "Y'all" project first as it is the easiest. I haven't done this in a long time. I'm really grateful for the books I bought. They will be useful when I can't remember how to do something. As I'm working on my project, I'm remembering how much I like needlepoint. I like that fact that the basketweave stitch is pretty mindless. I can do it while talking to someone or while listening to C play the guitar. The like the feeling I get as I finish each colour in the pattern and watch it come to life. I imagine when I get to the more advance stitches on the birdhouse project, it will be even better. One of the material I use to stitch with will be a thin ribbon.
  One these projects are done I'll put away my needlepoint supplies. I will still keep them where they can be found. Who knows? I may find a canvas I can't resist. I definitely want to keep those stitch book close by. I may be able to stitch patterns on felted knitted items. Even though I don't plan on doing any more needlepoint projects, I don't feel like I wasted my time learning. I feel pretty sure I will use what I learned somewhere else.


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