It's Not what She's Wearing
The climbing number of men in various walks of public life being accused of sexual harassment, misconduct and crimes has me a bit mystified. Why is this happening now? Is it because we are now in a place in time where this can be taken seriously? (Bullying was not taken seriously until after the Columbine shootings.) Is it just happening more often now than before? I've read a few statements by people famous and not that if women would stop dressing provocatively and act more like ladies men would behave themselves. This attitude has been roundly condemned and is considered to be victim blaming. As someone who has dealt with minor harassment and fifth-degree assault, I can say in my experience that clothes do not matter. I have always dressed conservatively. In some cases, I was harassed by customers at work while wearing a lab coat. As I prefer comfort over style these lab coats tend to be pretty baggy. Nothing even remotely provoca...