Random Assorted Things

   I've been wracking my brain all day trying to think of something to write about. I have several topics to choose from. I could write about how much I like my new spell/grammar check program. I'm sure it's saved me from several spelling and grammatical errors. I could write about our upcoming trip to Door County. The problem is that none of them are really enough for a full column. I decided that when I have days like this I am going to write a RAT column. RAT stands for random assorted things.  Today you'll see what I mean.
   I am discovering one of the benefits of my new workplace. I worked yesterday and can honestly say that I had a good time. I did half of the monthly Class II controlled substance count. I dealt with several insurance problems for customers. (I love that our software has all the information I need in one spot. Makes it much easier when I have to make those calls.) I helped the tech put away the store order. I vacuumed the rugs. These are not new tasks for me. I've done them before at just about every place that I've worked.
   Why did it seem like so much fun? I think it is because of the atmosphere in my new store. For some reason, it just feels happier and friendlier. I liked putting the things away on the shelf and seeing what we stock. We stock some things I've never heard of before. One of them is a boil salve. I know I heard about it in pharmacy school. I'd never seen it until now. I enjoyed vacuuming the rugs because I know it makes out store look like an inviting place for people to come. I guess what is making me happy about working there it that I feel like I'm contributing and that what I do is appreciated and makes a difference.
   I'm still sorting through boxes of letters and cards. Recently I found one box that contained letters from my ex-boyfriend. Looking at the postmarks, they were sent early in the relationship. They were truly love letters. He said many flattering things about how much he cared for me and how good he felt when we spent time together. The funny thing is, I can't remember any of this. The only good memory I have is of a spur of the moment picnic one day. Most of the things I remember were fights and verbal and emotional abuse. I remember him telling me that the only reason I was successful was because of "special favours" from people.  (Really.) I remember several times where he got angry about something I said two weeks earlier.  I usually didn't remember what I said or that it was an innocent remark. It was strange to see these letters. It felt good to toss them into the recycling bucket.
   I met my friend Patricia for a beverage this past week. It was good to see her. I hadn't seen her in several years. She hadn't changed. She was still perfectly put together wearing a green sweater and pants. She moved into a small house in a good neighbourhood. She sounded like she is now in a good place. She has a garden to work in and two part-time jobs that she enjoys. I am so happy for her and I hope that we won't wait several years before the next time we get together.
  I'm going to get a chance to use my new yarn swift this week.  A swift is something that is used to wind a hank of yarn into a ball. C gave it to me for Christmas after watching me attempt to wind a hank of yarn without the help of any tools. The yarn was tangled. It was a mess.
   A swift looks like the underside of an umbrella.  You open it like an umbrella and lay the hank on the edges. Then you take one end of the yarn and wind the ball. The swift holds the yarn and rotates to make winding easier. I'm looking forward to using it.
   Scamp wanted me to mention that he had some dental work done. The good news is that his teeth are clean and shiny. The bad news is that he had to have two teeth pulled. He suffers from a severe case of feline gum disease which causes his teeth to rot in his mouth. The only teeth he has now are is canines. ( I think it is so funny that cats have canine teeth.) and the tiny teeth between the canines.
    That's all I can think of for now. Have a good weekend everyone.


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