Unfinished Business

   Except for the occasional washcloth, I am taking a hiatus from knitting. It's not that I don't like knitting. It's not that I am tired of it. In the process of cleaning and reorganizing, I have found some unfinished business.
   Unfinished business for the purposes of this column refers to craft projects that I have started and have not finished.
   I already knew that I had two needlepoint projects. I did start to work on one a few months ago. The challenge I was running into was being able to see what I was doing. Unless I'm working in bright sunlight, it is difficult to see where to put the stitches. I put the needlepoint away and went back to knitting.
  Then I found two counted cross stitch projects that I had not finished. One is a wedding sampler. I think I was going to make it for us. The other is a picture of an angel. There was more. I also found three counted cross stitch kits complete with all the needed thread that I had not started. I found a stamped cross stitch pillowcase set (thread not included of course).
  There is only one thing to do when you are faced with a situation like this. You sit down and get to work. The first thing I decided to do was work on the needlepoint. It is easier. One of the projects is just a simple basketweave stitch. I decided to do that one first. I'm working on it now. All I have left to do is the background stitching and that is easy.
  Then I will do the other needlepoint project. It's a cute little picture of a birdhouse. I remember buying it because it uses advanced stitches and different kinds of threads. It's a smaller project so it shouldn't be too bad.
  Once that is done then I will finish the angel. I'm fairly far along on it. I wish I knew what happened to make me stop working on it.  It could be that I packed it away during one of my moves and never found it. It could be that the tremors in my hands got too bad and I just couldn't do it. It doesn't really matter. I am going to finish it.
  Once the angel is done, I am going to finish the sampler. I'm not sure if I will put our wedding date on it. I'm not sure what wedding date I would put on it. We have two "wedding dates". Maybe I can just put our names on it and call it good. Maybe someone I know will marry and I can give it to them.
  Then I have to decide what to do with the other projects. One is a picture of books and cats on black cloth. Another one is another angel, but larger than the one that I haven't finished. The last one is a picture of an old woman with a bunch of cats. I like all of them, but I'm not sure I can stay away from knitting long enough to finish them. If I knew someone who would like then and do them I could give them away. It would have to be someone who will actually do something with them. I don't want them laying around in someone else's craft bins.
  I really don't need to decide right now. First things first. Finish the unfinished projects. Then worry about the ones I haven't started. ........


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