The Christmas Column
Yule Log is on the TV. The turkey is in the crockpot. The Christmas music is turned on. (because I don't like the music on Yule Log) The Christmas celebration has started at our house.
There is no Christmas tree, we would have got that last week, but I had to work most of the days. It was too late to buy one. We have very few Christmas cookies for the same reason. Most of the baking was done on the 23 and 24 of December. There are a few decorations. We have a wreath in our kitchen, there is a small nativity on the top of a bookcase. We have a statue of Santa kneeling at the manger of Jesus on our coffee table.
There were no presents to unwrap. We have so much stuff. In fact, we've spent many hours the past few months getting rid of stuff. Neither of us really needs or wants anything. We've got everything that we need.
It's going to be a quiet Christmas. No company coming over. No calls from friends or relatives. They mostly text or send Facebook messages these days. I'm all right with this. I'm finding that as I get older, I like having the quiet time.
It's supposed to be bitterly cold out today, even by my standards. We have nowhere to go. We'll stay inside, listen to Christmas music, eat and later watch "The Sound of Music". I'll make some eggnog for myself. C doesn't care much for it.
For us it is a day to spend with those we love, enjoying the gift of their presence and contemplating the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. It is one day where we can try for peace on earth.
I know there might be some who read this column who do not celebrate Christmas. To those, I wish a happy, enjoyable holiday. To those who travel, I wish safety. Enjoy your day however you choose to spend it.
Merry Christmas
C, Sophie, Scamp and Colby
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