How Did This Get in My Suitcase?

   A week before we left on vacation, C and I found a box of clothes. They were sweaters and sweatshirts that I knew I had, but could never find them. Some of the sweaters were ones that I liked to wear while we are in Door County. They look good and pack well. The weather reports all said it was going to be warmer than normal. I only brought one sweater.
   The day before we left I packed my suitcase as I usually do.  My suitcase was loaded. I had to put a couple of things into C's large suitcase. We loaded the suitcase in the back of the car along with the rest of the things we were going to take with us and left.
   When we got to the B&B we unloaded our suitcases and settled in. Later that night I went to get something out of the front pocket of my suitcase. The pocket seemed a little full. I reached in to see what was in there. I pulled out a hoodie that I hadn't seen in a very long time. I was glad to see it. It's a cute hoodie white with a cute cat print. What I couldn't figure out is how it got into my suitcase. I hadn't seen it in at least a year. I knew I didn't put it in that front pocket. I wondered how I could possible missed the fact that it was there. I did put some things in the pocket and I know that the pocket looked empty.
   A few hours later C found a black T shirt. It was crumpled up in the front pocket of the shoe bag. The same question leapt to his mind. How did it get there? He didn't put it there. I didn't put it there. The odd thing is that he remembered wearing it earlier in the week. He wasn't going to pack it because it was dirty and needed to be washed. There was no way he could have put it where it was. Yet, it was there. Very strange.
   C was a little worried about the shirt. It bothered him that he could not remember putting the shirt in there. He wondered if maybe he was sleepwalking or something else. I tried to comfort him. He wasn't sleepwalking. He wasn't going crazy. it was just a random strange thing that happened.
  Fortunately no other strange things have happened this week. No clothes have been showing up in strange places. Neither of us can figure out how those clothes managed to tag along with us. Fortunately no other strange things have happened......


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