Star Trek

   C and I got rid of our cable TV two months ago. We decided that it simply wasn't worth it to spend the amount of money we were spending on something we weren't using. In addition there simply wasn't much to watch. We got an antenna. I didn't even know they made those for TVs anymore. Then we got a digital box because our TV predates the digital signal switch.
  The funny part is that there are a lot more channels than there were before. One of them has old TV shows on. One of them shows movies. There is also a channel that shows police shows and Star Trek. The Star trek episodes are on in the evening. The first show is Next Generation. ( That's the one where Picard is the captain.) After that is Deep Space Nine.
  I did watch a little Star Trek  when I was younger. I was acting pharmacy manager for the first time and was looking for a role model. Fortunately Star Trek Voyager was on TV. That is the one with Captain Janeway, who is the first female captain of a Starfleet ship. I watched the episodes carefully, looking for how Janeway would handle difficult situations. I also tried to look like her as much as I could. I kept my hair pulled back, dressed very plainly and didn't wear any jewelry. I stayed away from anything that looked remotely feminine and tried as much as possible to look very serious all the time.
  I was also dating someone that was seriously into Star Trek. I mean a real Trekkie. He owned a uniform, went to conventions and believed that if you know how to speak Klingon, it should count as knowing a foreign language. He has some friends  whose grip on reality seemed a little loose. I still am not sure that some of them realize that Star Trek is a TV show.
  Enough of the past. A few weeks ago, C and I found ourselves looking for something to watch on TV. We didn't want to rewatch a movie from our collection. We wanted to watch something different. While flipping through the channels we came to the Star Trek station. C likes Start Trek and I don't mind it so we started watching.
  I had forgotten how addicting that show is. Even worse, the Deep Space Nine episodes end on a cliffhanger. You have to watch the next night to find out what will happen. This means that I wind up staying up later than I probably should because I need to know if Captain Sisko actually marries Kasidy against the advice of the Prophets. I also need to know if Dr Bashir successfully cures Odo, the shapeshifter, of a horrible virus that will kill him if not cured.
  I have to chuckle a little bit about the fact that I've become caught up in this. I remember getting more than a little irate with my former boyfriend because we had to work our dates and time spent together around Star Trek. I had to know when the episodes aired because I couldn't call him nor could we do anything if an episode was on. I'm not quite that bad, but if I leave the room during a commercial break I make sure that I'm back in front of the TV when the show is back on again. After all, I have to see if Kai Adami manages to release the Pah Wraiths and if Captain Sisko stops her.
  I haven't found out yet, I'm hoping that I will tonight......


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