They Don't Make it Anymore.

A few weeks ago I went into a favourite tea shop of mine. I was low on a few of my favourites and needed to restock. I approached the counter with my empty tins. The sales person looked and the tins and handed one of them back to me. "We don't carry this one anymore," she said.
I took a deep breath. It was a cocoa ginger flavoured herb tea that had become one of my favourites. "Why is it that I find something I like here and then you stop carrying it," I said. I went on to list three or four other flavours I liked that they the quit carrying. I told the sales person that I could understand that sometimes things are in short supply for various reasons, but I was tired of never knowing whether I'd be able to get a kind I liked a second time. I asked her if they were still carrying two other flavours that I liked, but didn't need at the moment. She said yes. My rant over with, I asked her what they had that would be close to what I couldn't get.
She looked a bit taken aback at my irritated tirade, but did find something. It's not quite as good as the other I wanted, but it will do until they quit carrying it.
This seems to be a recurring thing with me. If I were paranoid, I would swear that someone out there finds out what I like and arranges for it to be no longer available.
My first experience with discontinued items was at Bath and Body Works. When I first started buying products there, they had a scent called Flowering Herbs. It was a nice scent, not too heavy,not too sweet. It was perfect. I went in because I was running out and wanted more. They weren't making it. I was upset. The other floral was way too sweet, I didn't want to smell like a fruit or a vegetable. Over the years every scent that I've ever liked at Bath and Body Works has been discontinued Frosty Cranberry (a seasonal scent), Wild Honeysuckle, White Tea and Ginger and Cotton Blossom. All gone. Sorry ma'am. Can I suggest another scent?
I like the country club omelet that used to be served at Perkins. Once in awhile C and I would go out to breakfast and I would get to enjoy one of these omelets with a side of breakfast potatoes (which are much better than hash browns,by the way). One day we went for breakfast and it was no longer on the menu. I didn't know what to do. When you don't eat pork and can't eat onions or peppers in the morning, there's not much on the omelet menu. I could have bacon and cheese (yes, I do eat bacon once in awhile.), but the bacon is way too salty and the cheese tastes like plastic. I'm not sure what I settled for, but I know it was not as good.
The same happened to me at IHOP. They used to have a vegetarian black bean chili omelet. I liked to order this with the nut and grain pancakes. (there was an extra charge, but I didn't mind) We went to IHOP and I was looking forward to enjoying that omelet. We sat down, I looked at the menu and no omelet. They had stopped making it. Of course they stopped making it. I was probably the only IHOP customer who ever ordered the thing. I tried another omelet, but I didn't like it. I don't think we've ever gone back.
My favourite candy bar, the Marathon bar, was discontinued so long ago that most people have never heard of it. It was chocolate and caramel in a braid shape and seemed to be about a foot long. I also liked Fanny Farmer's chocolate, caramel and marshmallow candy bar and Cadbury's Fudge Finger. The Fudge Finger was just a little candy bar that cost 25 cents. It was just enough to be a small treat. Both are gone now and I'm not even sure Fanny Farmer still exists anymore.
I liked to wear short sleeve mock turtleneck shirts to work in the summer. The mock neck looked good under a cardigan sweater or under a lab coat if it was too warm to wear sweater and coat. It was clean and professional looking. The shirt was my summer working wardrobe staple for many years. Then, of course,they stopped making it. Not popular enough,I was told. my choices were T-shirt (not very professional) or the fine gauge jewel neck sweater (expensive, and too warm to wear under a lab coat.) Frustrating. I can't be the only woman in the whole U. S. who liked the short sleeve mock neck. I found some T-shirts that looked a bit dressier than average and now wear those along with other things I have found. It's not as good as the mock neck.
I know that it's good to be flexible and open to new things. I don't mind trying new things. The bad part is that if I try something and like it, it will most likely be discontinued in a year or so. It may be the way to combat this is to not like anything. If that doesn't work perhaps I should consider hoarding.....


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