
Late last week C mentioned that he wanted to buy a juicer. We have an agreement that purchases over a certain amount must be discussed before the money is spent. I knew that a coworker had been preaching the benefits of juice to him so I wasn't surprised. I told him that I had no problem with buying one as long as it is used. I'm not a fan of decorative items. I prefer that everything we have be usable in some way. (Yes, my teapot and cup collections fall under this rule as well.)
Justin, who works with C, has been telling him all about the benefits of juice. According to C he and his brother are very much into health and fitness and do quite a bit of research on this subject. This is good. I'm very much in favour of people who do take charge of their health. I don't agree with all of the things that some people do. For instance, the juice fast. A juice fast is where you prepare a concoction of juices that gives you all of the needed nutrients and that is what you consume for a period of time. It is touted as a great way to lose weight. The bad part is that eventually you get tired of juice and start eating solid food again, which causes weight gain. That's the same theory behind products like Slimfast.
I digress. The only real problem that I have with Justin is that he smokes cigarettes. I'm sorry, but you cannot claim to be a health nut and smoke at the same time. Tobacco is one of the most damaging things you can put in your body. In my eyes it's right up there with being shot or stabbed.
If having juicer will keep C (and me) away from things like Coke and Diet Coke, it could be a very good thing. One of C's arguments for buying the juicer is that we would consume more fruits and vegetables this way. He does make a good point. We don't eat as much of those food groups as we should. While it is best to eat them raw or at least properly cooked, juice would be the next best thing. Another benefit is that if we make our own juice then we know what is in it. We can avoid additives that are in commerical juices like salt and sweeteners. We can use the juices we make to cook pilafs and as a base for soups.
C told me that one thing that Justin brings sometimes is a liquid lunch. No it's not a martini, it's more like a smoothie with some protein powder and other things added. This peaked my interest a bit. There are times at work when we get so busy, that stopping to eat is impossible. Bringing such a concoction with me on a day I know will be busy would be a lot healthier that my usual busy day meal of a handful of Gardettos and a handful of M&Ms.
We were both looking forward to the arrival of the juicer. I picked it up on Thursday. It came in a huge box. C unpacked it when he came home from work. The instruction manual came with a section of recipes. Some of them look pretty interesting. There is apple,carrot,and celery juice,tomato,cucumber,parsley and carrot juice,sweet potato,celery,ginger and orange juice and tomato,carrot and red bell pepper juice (this one looks like it could be pretty good). There is a recipe for blackberry,pear and grapefruit juice. They have recipes for slush type drinks, one of them is pear,radish and celery. Who came up with that one?
One of the combinations has me scratching my head. It is orange,carrot,mint and beet juice. Beet juice? I thought that was used for colouring things. This sounds very weird to me. Beets and mint? Not sure about this one.
C also got the name of a website that has many more recipes. We can use the leftover fiber and pulp as compost for the garden or there may be other recipes that allow us to make use of it.
I must admit, I'm a bit excited to try it out. We're going to pick out fruits and veggies today to use. This could be interesting. I'm looking forward to it.


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