Here Comes the Sun(shine)

We went to a local guitar shop to drop the Alvarez off. C thought that the lack of humidity had done something to the neck and it needed to be adjusted. After we dropped it off we looked at the guitars hanging on the walls. One of them was a Tanglewood 12 string. You don't see many 12 strings in guitar shops. I think most people are afraid of them. She was hanging from her hook patiently waiting for someone to give her a good home.
C approached her and gave her strings and experimental strum as he does with all guitars. The notes rang out like clear drops of sound into the air. C was pleased. He removed her from the hook, sat down and began to play.
The sound was lovely. She had a good upper range and a nice firm lower range. C's fingers moved up and down the frets. His face took on a peaceful look. I knew that look. He was getting into the music and not thinking about the people listening to him or anything around him. Those are the times when he is truly relaxed.
People coming into the shop would stop and listen to him play. One guy gave me a thumbs up as he walked by. I took a seat on the floor to listen. I enjoy listening to C play.
After a few songs C retuned the guitar. There are several different tunings you can use. C prefers an open D. I'm not sure what that means but it sure sounds good. The guitar held the tuning without any trouble. The shiny brass tuning pegs gleamed in the sun while C played. The more I listened the more I wanted to buy that guitar for C.
I had not given C a present on his birthday as I didn't know what to give him. This would make the perfect belated birthday gift. I mentally calculated how much I wanted to spend.
When C had stopped playing I asked him if he wanted the guitar. He waffled a little. Yes, he wanted it, but he was worried about the cost. We decided that we would ask the salesperson and then decide.
The salesperson told us the price and C and I both stared at each other. It was not only a bargain, it was almost a steal. We were both expecting it to cost twice as much. Without a second thought I pulled out my credit card. Chances like this don't come often and this would be a good instrument to add to our collection. We bought a good study case for her at a good price and took her home right away.
We put her in a stand in our music room along with all the other members of our instrument family. She looked right at home next to the harps and the banjo. C decided to call her Sunshine. He like the way the sun made her tuning pegs shine and the warm glow her golden front. In fact she made a good match for Eve, the harp.
A few days later while C was playing Sunshine, I walked in and sat down. I started trying to play along with him on Eve. They sounded very good together. C and I decided to try playing a hymn. The two instruments matched very well. It was amazing. It was almost like they were made for each other.
Welcome to the family, Sunshine.


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