That's Funny

"Someone is following us..."
The minute I heard those words I knew what was coming. Patricia was Grammarian/Wordmaster at last week's Toastmaster's meeting. The word of the day was "inconceivable". The first thing I thought of was a part of the movie, "The Princess Bride". If you haven't seen it, you should. The part that I was thinking of was the part where someone uses the word"inconceivable", but doesn't know what it means.
Patricia was doing the scene from the movie to use the WOD (word of the day) in a sentence. I started to laugh. I tried to stifle my chuckles, but couldn't. By the end of the scene, I had my face down on the table in front of me laughing so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes. Patrica is the most put together person I know, her clothes and makeup are always perfect. She is well read,well travelled and extremely well educated. The last thing that you would expect her to do is a scene from "The Princess Bride". It just doesn't seem to be her kind of movie. That's what made it so funny for me.
A good laugh can show up at the most unexpected places. I was working with Mr. Widlund, who was the manager of a pharmacy that I worked at. Once during a really busy day where just about everything was going wrong, he turned to me and said, "You know what really burns my butt?"
"No," I said.
"A fire about this high," he held his hand up level with his backside. It was so funny to me that I doubled over laughing and couldn't breathe for a couple of minutes. Things went much better after that. It wasn't so much that the joke was funny, it was the timing and the fact that I just didn't expect that kind of joke from him.
I got into trouble once for laughing at something I found funny. I was in fourth grade or so and in the church choir. I don't know what we had done wrong, but Mr. Simon,the choir director, was very angry. When he got angry his face got red and the scars on his face got more red. He was throwing the adult equivalent of a temper tantrum, something that he was known to do. At one point during his tirade, he pointed his finger at us and yelled, "Shame on you!" As he said this he wagged his finger at us. He just looked so funny all angry and shaking his finger. I couldn't help myself. I giggled at him.
Needless to say that just added fresh fuel to his already blazing rage. He spent about five to ten minutes yelling at me for laughing. I sat quietly and let him rant. Inside I was not happy with him, I thought he was going overboard. I got back at him. Instead of putting the music folders away as I did after practice, I left them. Let him pick them up.
I'm fortunate to be living with the self proclaimed King of Bad Jokes. C likes to be silly and funny sometimes and he enjoys making up his own jokes. Quite a few are pretty bad, but he has been known to come up with some good ones. He has a whole range of faces and voices that he uses from time to time. He used to do this to amuse his children when they were younger. I like it when he speaks French. He took French in high school and was taught how to do the accent. Listening to him speak French with a South Carolina accent is fun. It tickles my ears.
One place where I can find a humorous moment or two is the LDS General Conference. You would not expect an event where church leaders speak to members who live all over the world to have any humorous moments. This is serious business. This is not a time for jocularity. Sometimes though, it creeps in. President Thomas Monson was naming the places where new Temples would be built in the next year or so. When he got to Star Valley, Wyoming, he paused. "I'll have to dedicate that one myself," he said, "There's good fishing there." I'm not sure what made me smile more. The fact that he would mention this during a conference or imagining him in the middle of a swift river in hip waders,casting for fish.
Another favourite moment was when the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang a piece, before Elder David Bednar was to speak. When the choir finished, he approached the lectern and said that he appreciated the spirit that caused that song to be chosen. The title of the song was, "Have I Done Any Good?" Maybe you had to be there....
I think that a daily laugh, chuckle or even a wry smile is as important as eating right and getting enough exercise. I try to make someone smile or laugh every day. If nothing else it makes me feel better.
So kick back and put in you favourite funny movie, pick up a joke book or watch a little stand up. Find a little humour wherever you can. After all "A day without laughter is a day wasted." (several sources.)


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