Question a Day

I've always been a bit envious of people who journal. I've kept a journal on and off for many years, but never for an extended period of time. I would find myself myself looking back at what I wrote and being dissatisfied with it. I would take the pages, rip them up and throw them away.
One of my tenth grade English class requirements was to keep a journal. We had to write in it every week for 20 minutes while the teacher walked around and watched us write. Then we would need to turn them in for the teacher to read. I didn't know what to write. I was uncomfortable writing anything remotely personal since it was going to be read by someone else. I wasn't good at making up fiction and just flat out had writers block. I must have written enough to satisfy the teacher since I passed the class. (With a good grade as I recall)
I was looking through one of the many catalogs I get when something caught my eye. It was a Q&A a Day journal. It is a journal that has 365 questions in it. As the title states you answer one question a day. The cool part is that it is a five year journal. Every day for five years you answer the same question.
This was very interesting to me. It sounded like fun. What kinds of questions would it ask? Would my answers change from year to year? I thought about it off and on for about a week or so.
Then I decided to just order it. It arrived a few weeks later. It's a small light brown bound book with gold on the edge of the pages. I opened it up. Each page is a day out of the year. There is a small space for each of the five years. All you have to do is fill in the last two digits of the year and an answer. I read some of the questions. "Who do you want to know better?" "How late did you sleep?""________ is funny." "What are you running from at this moment?"
I was pleased. There was a good mix of questions. Some where commonplace and others require more thought. Some of them ask you to write a verse or haiku. This was more than I had hoped for.
I planned to start it on October first, but I forgot. I put it under a pile of books and didn't uncovered it until a week later. I decided on a new plan. I would start it while at Door County on vacation. I also decided that C and I would answer each question every night before bedtime. I would write the answers in the book. Why should I have all the fun? I also thought it would be something we could do together.
Every night now,before we go to bed we answer what we call "the question of the day". It's been fun and somewhat challenging. One of the questions was "How are you?" That part was easy, but you had to write your answer in the form of a rhyming couplet. C did this without effort. My answer? "I don't do poetry."
It has been a lot of fun. I look forward each night to reading the question and writing down the answer. I think that once we look back at some of our past answers it will spark some good conversation.....and a few laughs.


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